Loose Cannon Is Making A Mess Of The Mar-a-Lago Case

“We don’t know”
Now you’re getting somewhere.
We don’t understand gravity or what was before the Big Bang. There are actually more things “we don’t know” than what we do know. That’s why I like the Unitarian/Universalist bumper sticker, “Honk if you’re not sure”.


Maybe everything is in his wife’s name.


No one has a more punchable face than Bill O’Reilly’s former butt boy.


“I don’t think we would so lightly throw around the term innocent Nazi civilians.” Rep Brian Mast (R-FL), cites the singular evil of the Nazis as a justification for the mass slaughter of civilians. I wish I could say this was unique to the authoritarian right. It’s basically what the Allies did with German and Japanese civilians in WW2. After the Nazis bombed civilians in Poland and Rotterdam, Churchill expressed shock and horror at the magnitude of their evil deeds, and immediately promised to give the Germans “a taste of their own medicine.”


Meanwhile in NY Jr. continues to testify and signed stuff but said he relied on the lawyers and accountants wrt accuracy but doesn’t recall any of those specific conversations.

From Lisa Rubin

Faherty is now moving on to the worksheets: Trump Jr. had no specific knowledge of or of the work performed for, he testifies, the supporting data worksheets for the statements of financial condition in 2017, 2018, 2019, and 2021. (We are saving time, but these admissions are no less problematic for the defense.)

And now we’re talking about the succeeding representation letters for 2017, 2018, 2019, and 2021. Trump says he can’t think of any knowledge or participation he had in later years that would change his answers as to those representation letters. (Again, kudos to all involved for saving time, but these are big admissions despite what seems like an easy and quick exchange.)


My view of religion is accurate. By definition it’s belief in something that is scientifically un-falsifiable.

By the way, I have never said that there is nothing of value in religion, so don’t put words in my mouth. One can cherry-pick the good parts of most religions while ignoring the rest. But the foundation of religion is belief in a higher power that is un-falsifiable, or else we’re talking about something other than religion.


Well, someone tell him to bring it back!


I’m starting to hate seeing cannon’s picture on this site almost as much as I hate seeing 45-91’s. She has the look of a smirking, self-satisfied zealot.


All of them!


Including that one?


Along with it sheer bloodthirstiness.

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She would never make it out of committee. May as well nominate Alex Jones to be Chief Justice.


My point is he and she have a checking and/or savings account. They just move the money out the account(s) quickly. And he doesn’t have to report the accounts since they don’t keep $5000 in them.
Does this mean that I believe he has a bunch of cash on hand or in her pocketbook? Nope, but this is an interesting puzzle, right?




Over the course of seven years, Johnson has never reported a checking or savings account in his name, nor in the name of his wife or any of his children, disclosures show.

He’s either lying, or he does everything in cash because he believes electronic transactions are a Mark of the Beast or something.


It’s your definition of religion that is not accurate.
It is, in fact, superficial.

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OT, but this was an interesting view of how the “Cletus Safaris” normalize fringe behaviors.


It’s “technically sweet” constitutional law.

When you see something that is technically sweet, you go ahead and do it and you argue about what to do about it only after you have had your technical success.
- J. Robert Oppenheimer


> The House GOP leadership has told us they may have to push back consideration of the $14 billion Israel aid package because of expected attendance issues today. Several lawmakers are flying to Texas for former President Donald Trump’s rally in Houston.

That’s right. New Speaker of the House Mike Johnson broke aid to Israel off from Ukraine. Then he planted a poison pill in the legislation by making it dependent on taking money away from the IRS. Now Republicans can’t be bothered to vote on their legislation because they have to hustle down to Texas to cheer on a man facing 91 felony indictments. That’s how little they care about this issue. Or any issue.


It’s why I was careful to use the word “suspect”.