Loose Cannon Is Making A Mess Of The Mar-a-Lago Case

A lot of things happened. Here are some of the things. This is TPM’s Morning Memo. Sign up for the email version.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://talkingpointsmemo.com/?p=1473128



Don Jr. and Chump would have us believe that out-of-control bean counters - The Deep State of the Chump Org. - went off on crazy lying sprees (for decades) to inflate the property values when it would only help The Chump Crime Fambly…and totally degraded the properties when it would only help the The Chump Crime Fambly.

No, even though it wouldn’t increase the bean counter’s pay or benefits…they went completely out of control and somebody should do something to stop them! Of course, it isn’t The Chump Crime Fambly’s responsibility to know about it or control their run-amok accountants.


Trump appointee Aileen Cannon: Only the best people.


Well, what have we here???


Donald Trump primal scream: STOP THE TRAIN I WANT TO GET OFF!!!


Love to see Kash Patel getting grilled!


Trump would have been fiiine with the prosecutions if they had come sooner.

I also would have been fine if Merrick Garland hadn’t sat with his thumb up his ass for a year worrying if it would look political to prosecute the bastard.


Special Counsel Jack Smith seized on Trump’s rope-a-dope and flagged it to Cannon in a filing early this morning, urging her not to allow herself “to be manipulated in this fashion.”

This will cause some consternation, how can they finesse this so Cannon can grant the motion in Florida without looking like a Trump flunky and still pursue the pause in DC. I kind of wonder if the person who typed up the memo laughed while urging her not “to be manipulated in this fashion.” I’m pretty sure I’d smirk if I had to say that to her in person.


As has been posted…
Cannon is bought & paid for.


Judge Cannon is not slick.

This clumsy performer has an understandably awkward duty to pay the piper. (One normally does this very very quickly and quietly.) But she bumbles.

Is it the lure of the limelight that tempts her to play the agrieved party?


I believe Carlin was referring to primarily some predominant forms of Judeo-Christianity common to Western culture. To paint all the many “Religions” with that brush is as absurd as it is false.


Democrats Are Holding Their Own in Kentucky and Mississippi (msn.com)
For months, it’s been widely accepted that the Democratic Party and its brand are in trouble, that President Joe Biden has been a drag that no candidate or cause can escape, and 2024 is shaping up to be a “rematch from hell” between the incumbent and his immediate predecessor. Yet a curious thing is happening, and it’s happening in two reliably red states.

In Mississippi and Kentucky, Democratic nominees for Governor are holding their own heading into this final week before Election Day 2023. In fact, the non-partisan Cook Political Report—a tipsheet for race-by-race analysis that is indispensable—last week moved the Mississippi contest from likely Republican to lean Republican, a shift that caught a lot of Washington insiders’ attention. Democrats and Republicans alike acknowledge that the move was not unfounded given how a Democratic challenger, Brandon Presley, has run a tight campaign, and the Republican incumbent, Gov. Tate Reeves, remains both unpopular and a walking binder full of bad stories about his first term.

Still, the race seems to have slipped through Republicans’ hands with a first-time candidate. Public and private polling alike has shown Beshear with a consistent advantage. And Cameron’s criticism of Beshear, his former colleague at a Kentucky law firm, as a tool of national Democrats in the culture wars has fallen flat in no small measure because no one can credibly cast the incumbent as a woke warrior.


Welcome to the HELLSCAPE that is Joe Biden’s America! /s

So… no one seems to be talking about the really weird thing going on at the Trump Org.'s NY civil trial: Trump’s lawyers, including the presumably competent Chris Kise, keep making arguments as if the fraud were at issue… and I thought we were just hashing out the level of damages that the organization was going to have to pay, because the fraud was settled as a matter of summary judgment over, among other things, discovery shenanigans. No one but the Donald gives fsck who committed the fraud… the organization engaged in fraud. If it was the accountants, then the executives can’t be trusted to exercise their fiduciary responsibility to society, or the organization itself, and if it was the executives, then they can’t be trusted to exercise their fiduciary responsibility to society.


Using antiquated Senate rules (for which the Senate has itself to blame), Tuberville has blocked hundreds of military promotions since February

That’s right, folks. The anally retentive Senate has allowed this fucking moron from Alabama (who actually lives on the Redneck Riviera in Florida) to keep up this bullshit for NINE MONTHS, instead of simply changing an archaic “rule.”


Once again Fox is programming people to commit violent acts.


Infant mortality up, first time in 20 years, well what did anyone expect with the abortion ban. It’s called cause and effect.


You never cease to be either wrong or tedious about being wrong. Grow up.