Loose Cannon Is Making A Mess Of The Mar-a-Lago Case

I’m pretty sure Garland never suggested such a thing. That notion came from partisan Lefty blogs and pod casts …and none had any idea what they were talking about. I no lawyer or law enforcement guy but I’m comfortable in thinking taking on a former President that has spent half a century getting over on the law no easy talk for a moral prosecutor. A prosecutor that knows the legal landscape in the country is specked with Trump Judges and prosecutors that voted for him.

Today I’m going to remove a gastric mass…and it’s going to be a bitch. In the previous 6 weeks that I’ve been working it up I don’t consider myself as having sat around with my thumb up my ass. I’ve planned, informed and readied myself to do this surgery. I’m sure it’s the same for the legal guys.


There seems to me to be a very easy way to figure this out:
Get 5000+ people.
Get those 5000+ people to write Speaker Johnson a paper check for a $1.
Once the check clears see where it got deposited.

From the early reporting on this I came away with the idea that he doesn’t have to report a checking account or savings account if it has less than $5000 in it. I know that my little experiment won’t answer all the questions like after the checks clear he can just ask for the money to be withdrawn in cash, but hey it’s an experiment! Testing a hypothesis should peak several of the TMP members interest.


Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster? Not much is written about their liturgy.


Cannon will reply with something to the effect of “You’re not the boss of me.”


I have my doubts a Republican senate would not give Cannon 50 votes to get confirmed. Look if Trump wins again we are doomed anyway.


Put it in the giant collection of lines he’s ignored.

It’ll be interesting to see what, if anything, Jack Smith does on this. Though it’s been ruled multiple times that Twitter posts don’t count for anything legally, in any rational justice system she should be straight off the case, so let’s see.


Whenever it seems that the whole world is against you, stop and consider what a feat it is to tick off billions of total strangers.


And served in a not too pretentious cab.
Preferably in Madrid. (h/t Dave Kellet)


I do not share your confidence.

The current senate would vote on party lines, ending with her not getting the job.

The last senate would have also voted on party lines ending in her confirmation.

This would only be the latest in a long line of grossly unqualified ideologues they have promoted to a lifelong tenure.


Only if the owner was still inside. Otherwise they would rather just move a “settler” in and steal the land.


“Trust in the obvious” can fool one very easily. Of course she should not be elevated to the high court but I would not assume anything concerning actions of the House or Senate
these days.
When I say trust in the obvious can fool one I think of this…

This is hard evidence of trump’s guilt yet Cannon is happy to fool around.
I was sure trump was toast yet this case continues…


I’m a mineral extraction guy. You can’t kick the superficial dust at the surface and conclude that their is nothing of value beneath your feet. You need to dig or drill; often deeply.
Your view of religion is superficial.


The most popular Halal food cart in the city happens to be right in front of Fox News Channel headquarters on Sixth Avenue aka the Avenue of the Americas. What is little Jesse going to do? Go yell at the owner?


Love to see Kash Patel getting grilled!

I’m beginning to think this 14th amendment thing to potentially disqualify Trump has some legs after all. I’m not getting my hopes up at all, but just the fact this case can’t be dismissed out of hand tells you what a constitutional obscenity Trump is.


Probably true, but they gave her a life time appointment once. I think the key aspect of your statement is the ideologically reliable part.


On Tommy Tuberville He should be arrested as a domestic terrorist and immediately transported to GITMO to await a speedy trial in 2073. Also, the Senate needs to invalidate this stupid “privilege” that allows an ignorant and dangerous asshole to stop anything that enters their little brain. Jesus!


I heard a story yesterday on NPR (that’s what I listen to, so sue me) and they discussed with a florist in Mexico about the influence of the Disney movie “Coco” and people’s desire to have marigolds for Nov 1st. The florist explained that even though marigolds are cheaper he’s got more customers, new customers wanting marigolds, and their buying more flowers.


But it does address a fundamental moral question.

What moral responsibility do the ordinary Germans bear for the Nazis who were first elected with a plurality?

How much responsibility do Americans bear for W and Trump?

These are questions about adults not children.obviously.


Let’s not quibble on how many digits exactly he had up there, but the hesitancy has been credibly reported.


Senate GOP Fed Up With Tuberville

Sorry to see TPM fall for that. A large majority of the Senate GOP caucus remains steadfastly in support. If even a slightly larger minority of GOP Senators turned on Tuberville (the guy’s name screams fucking idiot, btw), the Senate would change the rule in a heartbeat.

Tommy is an addle-pated tool of people much smarter and more evil than him. The problem is the GOP.