Loose Cannon Is Making A Mess Of The Mar-a-Lago Case

A number of years back, Hubby and I were in Sri Lanka for several weeks. During the time we were there, a group of Buddhists burned a Muslim man alive in his home, just because. The country was basically shut down (schools and businesses closed, etc.) for several days as Buddhist-Muslim rioting and retribution took place, which we only found out when getting messages from friends back home – we were renting a house and the housekeeper and general factotum didn’t want to tell us anything because they were terrified that the country was going to slip back into Tamil Tigers chaos and they would lose their (relatively well-paying) tourist-based jobs.

Sorry, the only religion that I know of at the moment which does NOT come with blood thirst is Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster, but perhaps they just haven’t been around long enough to hate everyone else…


Volunteer syphocants are the worst.


“All” generalizatios are suspect. Seems statism, by your examples, and it’s subsuming of religions is the problem here and not religion per say.
“He who works in the service of a crown (state) is lost”


This is not plausible at all. The Feds don’t like to cut paper checks at all. Most employers (most certainly including the Feds) don’t want to cut paychecks. At my last three jobs, direct deposit was an absolute requirement, and in the job I held prior to that the University announced they were switching to direct deposit and if you were in the habit of getting a paper check, you needed to fix it ASAP.

He’s got a bank account somewhere, I guarantee.



San Gregorio Cemetery, on the outskirts of Mexico City, prepared for Dia de los Muertos. Photo by Marco Ugarte.


Watching this unfold in glacial slow motion, one cannot help but ask… Why couldn’t Tubberville’s undoing, whatever it turns out to be, have been done anytime since February? The whole thing is a dance, a game, a performance. Politics is weird.




Because in most cases they want to move from volunteer status into paid status…


Jesse Watters said…

And what’s with Fox’s mindless support of the Israel military’s bombing of a refugee camp with a “bunker buster” bomb in a misguided attempt b to kill one leader of Hamas and in the process killing hundreds of refugees? and then repeating the process the next day!!
The Israel military rescued a soldier who was a Hamas hostage without using a bunker buster and killing hundreds. Can’t their world class special units do the job? Must they kill everyone in Gaza?
The Israel side lost 1400 people on 10/7. Gristly and horrible indeed. I do not support Hamas. T g e Palestinians have lost upward of 10,000, … many reduced to bits and pieces. I cannot support thst either… OK Mr Watters? OK Fox?


VOTE in every 2023 election. PLEASE.


But that’s because Republicans want individual roll-call votes, which would be a marathon. Actually, nominees have been confirmed en bloc many times before – that is the typical method for the numerous military promotions.

I think McConnell and Co., who’ve mastered the art of Senate obstruction, are secretly playing a good-cop-bad-cop game in collusion with Tuberville.


“Governor, I take your point about accountability,” the MSNBC host persisted. “I’m talking about the rhetoric. I mean, you know, you see it? We all watched January 6th. We’ve seen what’s happened since, and to federal officials and elections and volunteers. Don’t you think as a country and political leaders we should turn down the temperature on things like that?”

“Well, look. I stand by what I said,” DeSantis shot back. “I don’t think anyone could reasonably have taken that and acted like I’m somehow advocating anything other than robust political process and robust political accountability.”

How touching. DeSantis thinks that only reasonable people are listening when he speaks.

Palin claimed that her literature putting targets over pictures of Democratic politicians was simply rhetorical but the next thing you know Scalise gets shot. These things do not always work as you think they might.

Extensively edited to expand the point.


I believe it’s called “kabuki.”


What do Arab-Americans have to do with the violence in the Mideast?


Up till now, I thought I understood the concept of ‘collective guilt’. Now, I realize that my understanding was purely academic. What collective guilt really means is that even children and babies who have no political or economic power share equal guilt for the actions of the worst members of their governments, and are due no exemptions or remorse.



-Donald J. Trump

  • ? he may have crossed a line here?

Well, speaking only for myself as a Pastafarian, i assure you i DO hate (almost) everyone else. Violence, though, is not a value i cherish. Many people don’t know this, but it’s possible to read something you disagree with and simply move on with your life.


And served with a not too pretentious cab.


Mast: “I think when we look at this, as a whole, I would encourage the other side to not so lightly throw around the idea of innocent Palestinian civilians. I don’t think we would so lightly throw around the term innocent Nazi civilians”

This is disturbing on so many levels. The staggering stupidity of this statement. I have…I have no words. :man_facepalming:


Well CoachTubberville and Mike Johnson are beholden to the sort of Christians who would feel right at home burning down a Muslim or Catholic home, just because. Both are on a mission from their god.