Loose Cannon Is Making A Mess Of The Mar-a-Lago Case

If Trump wins in 2024, do you think he would voluntarily give up the presidency in January of 2029, as required by the 22nd amendment?

I sure we could get Josh and TPM to start asking this question.


Got this email Tuesday: “Thank you for voting! Your 2023 Coordinated Election mail ballot has been counted by Larimer County Elections.”

But I’ll take a pass on voting in every 2023 election. :wink:

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FSM Liturgy 101:

Introit: Benvenuti a tutti. Buon Appetito.
Prayers: Done in silence since it is impossible to chant with a mouthful of pasta.
Comunione: Prima parte - breaking bread together. Seconda parte - washing it all down with wine.
Extroit: Delizioso. Alla prossima.


OK bible thumpers. King David or King Solomon? Which one was known for being horny, which one was known for wisdom?


I think they genuinely want him to stop but of course that would be cooperating with Democrats. So there we have it.


I’m pretty sure someone is looking into this. A back-bencher with weird financial disclosures is usually just a back-bencher (unless he’s someone pathological like George Santos or whatever his name is today), but a Squeaker of the House with weird financial disclosures is going to attract some attention.

And his wifey’s business is getting some serious investigation, too.


An Alaska man threatened to kill a U.S. senator, strip their skin off their body and wear it as clothes, according to prosecutors who charged him this weekFox News reported that Arther Graham, 46, is accused of sending the threatening message to the…

Taking that expression about not judging a person until you’ve walked a mile in their shoes way too far.


Pfffft. If Trump gets back in, there won’t be another election. He’ll just pass the torch to Queen Ivanka 1 when he’s ready.


If it doesn’t cost him anything and spares him psychic embarrassment, sure. Certainly not if it gets in the way of his attention-whoring or getting back into the White House.


I don’t watch Fox. But as for Gaza, Hamas puts their military people and assets in places that Israel cannot get at without causing a lot of damage…such as the 300 or so miles of tunnels under Gaza. That is what the bunker buster bombs are for. And Hamas not only hides under those camps, they fire rockets from them. There are no military camps in Gaza. The whole place belongs to Hamas. The only way to stop killing civilians would be to get them out of there. But Hamas does not want that either. So, they are trapped. And as for the numbers of casualties, we can’t even be sure of that. Hamas controls the Health Ministry. It is like some dystopian hell scape.


Senate rules now for Supreme court is 50 votes plus VP tiebreaker. No super majority is needed.


keep in mind, Tommy the Tuber was ‘let go’ from his job as coach of football…in Alabama…can you imagine how dumb he has to be to get fired from football in ALABAMA?


Well, that would be doing exactly what I’m criticizing. I think we’ll have to disagree on that, I suspect that the vast majority people would agree with you, but that slice of Christian Nationalists will accuse you of that. A school board member in my area criticized the bombing of civilians in Gaza and I got a robotext from her opponent accusing her of anti-semiticism and wanting to destroy Israel.

The Rep Mast speech kind of highlights the problem, he compared every person man woman and child in Gaza to Nazis. For that mindset it is about the power to dominate and destroy, if you object you are automatically persecuting Christians, and in this case Israel because they want to use Israel as a proxy for their theatre of carnage.


I seem to recall that the talk at the time was that TFG was rushing announcing his candidacy because he knew the indictments were about to drop.


We share such a high opinion of the man.



The interesting question would be, where will the military be? I could see the rest of the country happily accepting the “security” of a military junta after the chaos a second Trump term would unleash.

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I’m still miffed at Mueller for not prosecuting Junior on the basis of him being too stupid…but he probably had a point.


First off: No suing from me.

Second off: It took a while, but Disney (after Mexicans and Latinos had persuaded it not to call it “Day of the Dead” and then trademark the title) worked very hard to get Coco right. One of the things they got right was the flowers: marigolds were already traditional in some parts of the country for Dia de los Muertos, but in other places people would use other flowers; in Durango, where I lived for a couple of years in the '80s, callas and roses appeared to be the flowers of choice.

Related: It’s thanks to that one James Bond film that opens in Mexico City with a parade celebrating Dia de los Muertos (something that had not been a thing prior) that the DF now has an annual parade celebrating Dia de los Muertos.


Hadn’t thought of that. Declare yourself a ministry and live tax free. Since most paychecks are now direct deposit to a bank account how does he get his for all the hard work he does as a Representative? Is it even legal, if that is the case? His “job” is representing people in a district and he is a part of the dreaded Government. Just asking.