Remember at the beginning of the pandemic when social media was full of videos of people licking door knobs or toilet seats, throwing fits in grocery stores, or spitting on people who asked them to mask up? Essentially, a mask ban makes these people the health and safety officer for school districts who can’t mandate masks.
Been working on this for a few days. Speculating toxic ink in their evangelical bibles rubbing off on their fingers, creating a chemical lobotomy. I was thinking sports bars and Kardashians but this seems a tad too specific at times.
The NYT is apparently calling these anti-vaxxers ‘Spreadnecks’.
I like it.
And if there is a outbreak in a school where only a few are not wearing a mask, we all know who and who’s parents to blame.
This lady gets it:
“You’re turning ‘unvaccinated’ into ‘others.’ That’s what you are doing. Segregation!” yelled one parent.
Yep! We want to shame you, blame you, and keep you the fuck away from us.
Nah, the infected kid’s parents will sue those their kid infected. For the trauma and guilt the sick kid imposed upon the spreader by getting ill.
It’s the same issue as second hand smoke, the right to be selfish without regard for the health and well being of your fellow citizens.
California will become the first state to issue a mandate of this nature:
Good on California. The university where our son is faculty adopted a similar policy months ago. Individuals who are fully vaccinated test at a reduced frequency, are not required to wear a mask (except in limited circumstances), and are not required to quarantine following travel or exposure so long as they are asymptomatic. Individuals who are not fully vaccinated must complete the symptom monitoring survey daily, wear face coverings and social distance where feasible, test more frequently, and quarantine following travel or exposure.
I wonder how many of these anti mask advocates were weaned on the HIV positive student panic in some places in the 80’s and 90’s.
Ryan White, a teenager from Indiana hence the law posthumously named for him who was unceremoniously nearly driven from school until it became a national story and the school had to admit him. There was also a Florida case at the time where some family was literally chased out of their neighborhood.
C’mon communities across this nation. You have coddled these people as they denied evolution, science, decency, climate change. Are you finally going to stop welcoming them back into your arms, no matter what foul, horrible, Chump loving, election denying, Qanon spouting venom they are spewing? Look how wound up these people are getting over a fake controversy…about masks and vaccines. It makes less sense than even their normal batshittery. You need to run these people out of town, not paper-over what they are doing or cover for them. They are rabid dogs.
I truly believe they have no method to their madness. This isn’t something they gave thought to, and have been paying attention to over the years. Yes, there was some small subsets of anti-vaxers…but the vast majority of who we are hearing from now are SOLELY on the position they have staked out today, because of recent Chump related politicization and tribal signaling.
Nice little video of Hanover County, VA. That’s what 90% white and 100% retarded looks like.
Nothing warms the heart like a Karen in pain.
“When his wife was being arrested, Samuel started recording and captured his wife hurling a homophobic slur at the officers. He then posted the video to the internet”
Fucking geniuses thought they were having their own police abuse “we’re teh real victims” moment hahahahaha
It’s actually like guns - and all of us NOT having the right to feel safe in public places.
More likely denied entry into the other place. Something about community standards. Even demons have standards.
Segregation is a perfectly reasonable and appropriate public health measure for a group of people who insist on putting themselves and others at increased risk from a highly infectious and dangerous disease.
S, Korea has faced several epidemics this century. They mask up when asked. They use really good masks too. Around N95 quality. So many people still don’t realize how important the quality of the mask is. A month after my 2nd dose, I invested in an Israeli made SonoMask. Around 99% effective. Re-usable (55+ washes). Breathes ok. Expensive. $49. The variants were really starting to perk and the chances of the 35% doing the right thing was virtually nil. Then Delta hit here after levelling India, and the mask is in play.
Sounds like you’re being redundant to me…
Common denominator. They all do uppers. Bigtime.
Their anti-vaxx stance is but one of a hundred reasons this crowd should be shunned and ostracized.