Local School Officials Spar With State GOP Over Mask Mandate Bans | Talking Points Memo

Schools have all kinds of liabilities when it comes to sickening or worse, killing, someone’s child; from food poisoning, play ground equipment, and building deficiencies. I wonder if these numbskulls have checked with legal advice as to where a school is liable for sending a child home with covid. Lawyers; start your engines.


And their citizens in general?

But I like the framing of the question regardless. It should be asked loudly instead of discussed in other terms.

It is the type of gotcha framing Republicans and Fox will dream up over a non-existent issue to get outrage rolling.

However, in this case, the issue, the stakes and the actions are entirely real. Every Democratic lawmaker should begin any on-air time asking why are the Republicans trying to kill everyone? Just put it out there. Let them do their own work in burying themselves.


So they can “own the libs”. No other reason.
These people were deplorable in 2016. They’re much worse now.


All of these parents (and others) talking about children’s reaction to wearing masks - coming home frightened and sobbing, emotionally distraught over the torture of wearing a mask.

Dear parent - when you informed your child that they would be wearing a mask in school did you
A Tell them "let’s pick out some that have your favorite animals or characters on them. How about Sponge Bob or kittens? You can match it with your outfit and it will help keep you safe until you can receive the vaccine.
B Make it clear that “Mother F*#)($J on the school board got no right, no right at all to force my kid to be suffocated because some dumb a@@ who obviously doesn’t know anything decided that’s what they needed to do! Don’t they watch Faux News? I mean, Cucker Tarlson told everyone the dangers of oxygen deprivation behind theses evil devices”


Anti-educated is exactly right. Good coinage.

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Someone needs to spread the rumor that vape pens can be affixed to the inside of masks, so you’re risking children being able to vape in school without being caught, right there in class.


Sure they exist. My definition of “boobs” dummies,idiots etc. See Trump Jr. , Kimberly Guifoyle and any other trumpies out there.

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KY Gov. Andy Beshear, besieged on all sides by repug supermajorities in both houses of the legislature and repug electeds like the AG, last night courageously brought the hammer down and issued a statewide mask mandate for all students, teachers and staff in schools, child care centers - anywhere children gather indoors.

And just this morning, the superintendent of the Science Hill Independent School District, in a long-shot bid for Motherfucking Piece of Shit of the Year Award, recorded a message send to every parent of every child in the district, calling Beshear a “liberal lunatic.”

Because the Governor issued an order to protect the lives of every child in the Commonwealth.

Andy will forgive him and all the other COVID-loving, death-cult motherfuckers. I won’t.


What I like about Mr. Hannah’s statement is that it shows a commitment to his moral responsibility as a superintendent to care for the wellbeing of children, something that apparently has not entered the governor’s tiny little mind.


The state GOP should stay the hell out. They are not doctors or scientists or even barely educated. They are rabid politicos. Period. They shouldn’t be dictating squat.


Big mistake.

Should have let them sort themselves out, could fix the problem of the next-gen MAGA being raised right now.

But then how much more difficult for us to think of ourselves as morally superior. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

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KFF found that a majority of parents — 63 percent — think masks should be required for the unvaccinated, while 36 percent think masks shouldn’t be mandated for those who don’t get the shot.

The fuck is wrong with 36% of parents?


Even with the olds, Terri Schiavo must be rolling in her grave. Boy howdy, how they went to the mats over the life of one brain-dead body. But in 2020, it became OK to sacrifice the old folks by the tens of thousands.


Ironic name of the school district.


I agree with the anti mask people. Masks are ineffective and so is testing. We must have mandatory vaccinations with only medical exceptions allowed. No religious exceptions. Religious people can get sick and spread it too.


“You’re turning ‘unvaccinated’ into ‘others.’ That’s what you are doing. Segregation!”

Oh so NOW they care about othering — when they do it to themselves and pose a hazard to the rest of us.


No, they think their signs own the libs. As in, how could we possibly object to ‘our bodies, our choices’?

But when their exhalations can give my body a devastating and possibly lethal disease, it’s ‘the bodies of everybody nearby, my choice.’ That’s a wee tad different.


AGAIN. AGAIN AGAIN AGAIN. WHY, as a parent, wouldn’t you do absolutely EVERYTHING to keep your children safe??? I don’t get it, I don’t want to but I would love to have an answer. WTF is WRONG with them???


And kids between 1 day and 12 years old.