They will go after someone for having overly tall weeds in their yard but these people, nah, the community won’t touch them.
And how much of that is posturing versus reality. This is their go time, the spotlight is on them. Stupid people with low self esteem, who can’t find any way for the world to notice them other than defiantly peeing in everyone’s pool. Right now, it can be any issue. COVID and masking is just the issue du jour.
First you got to identify them. You can’t force them to wear a big C Covid patch. They’d fucking freak. My idea is to award them an honor badge for standing up to the Rona. They’re definitely dumb enough to fall for it.
Understand that the massive coordinated messaging effort is now afoot…now that they’ve caused the COVID spike and untold sickness and death that will only get worse before abating…to shift all the blame for all the suffering we’re about to witness to Biden and the Dems…
(this blame-shifting attempt on Biden via Psaki of course is he very top story on the website)
(yes, he just said that vaccination and masking won’t work at this point, so no mandates…and yeah, “no federal top down mandates because one size fits all doesn’t work”…which obviously couldn’t be further from the truth when dealing with a pandemic)
He can bend the fuck over until I see a full climate change bill getting passed as part of reconciliation. #COALISDEAD and #BIGOILISPOISON and if he’s going to fuck everything up on the climate after that UN report that just came out and the reports that the Gulf Stream is about to die, then he should be literally tarred, feathered and then dropped off naked and blindfolded deep in a coal mine with nothing but a canary and a list of his campaign donations from Big Coal and Big Oil…and he can find his own fucking way out by the oh so blinding light of his self-serving pretend-centrist wisdom. Fucking guy is a disaster.
The fanaticism and rage displayed by these Spreadnecks (h/t @becca656) is just absolute madness. Everyone one of those kooks need to be hauled in for a compulsory psych evaluation. COVID has the aid of a second pandemic, insanity, to thank for the continued spread.
While a 4th wave of infection is beginning to emerge in parts of the country, there have been almost no breakthrough infections among the fully vaccinated. Only 0.5% of infections have come from fully vaccinated people since mid-December.
89.6% of cases came from unvaccinated individuals, while 9.9% of cases came from people with only one dose or two doses but infected within two weeks of receiving their second dose.
As of today, 62% of Canadians are fully vaccinated while 71.6% have had at least one dose administered (representing 81.5% of eligible population). While first dose rates have slowed to a crawl, the nation continues to add to it’s second dose numbers by about 100,000 shots a day.
In other news
Travel plans for anti-vaxxers have upped the ante in terms of rethinking their vaccine avoidance. This may result in further increases in first doses in the coming weeks as it becomes increasingly apparent that people will need to be vaccinated if they have any travel aspirations.
Prediction…things will change soon…it will be harder to deny reality when they are interring their own children…get ready for scores of weepy " who knew " tales of woe as the death enablers become ever more irrational…
Fuck that. It won’t be that at all. They’ll be raging that Biden and the Dems told them not to get vaccinated or “politicized it so much that we had to refuse it” etc. The right wing propaganda machine is already into that stage of the game. They started by outright encouraging anti-vaxxing, moved on to deliberately mixed messaging, then started pretending they were all for vaccination and now have as their top headlines that vaccine “hesitation” is all Biden’s and the Dems’ faults. Anyone who thinks for one fucking second that these redneck hillbilly Trump KKKult fucktards are going to have some sort of epiphany about the consequences of their own beliefs and behavior and/or the beliefs and behavior of the people they listen to in order to determine their own beliefs and behavior, needs their head examined. It is NEVER their fault. They are NEVER held accountable. They are ENTITLED to place the blame everywhere but on themselves. CONSEQUENCES for their own beliefs and behavior are ALWAYS just everyone else victimizing them. They are LITERALLY DELUSIONAL.
Fox News and the rest won’t even have to work very hard at it. By October 2022, the entire red swatch of the electoral map will be repeating by ROTE that all the death in this nation from COVID-19 was a result of Biden’s and the Dems’ failures, their politicization of the pandemic, their refusal to listen to Trump, their 'Trump Derangement Syndrome," their insistence of attacking everyone’s “freedom” with mandates and “forcing us to stand up for our freedom by putting out lives at stake because that’s what a patriot who believes in freedom does in response to tyranny.”
There will be no epiphany. There never has been among them and never will be. That is why the only other likely result is widespread violence. They are in a feedback loop they not only cannot get out of, but DO NOT WANT to get out of. And we’re fucking stuck in it with them, but it’s like trying to put brakes on a waterfall.
Fox can toss blame all they want, they know the royally fucked up and fed the flames that are now consuming their loyal audience. Nearly all Dems are fully vaccinated, Republicans, uh, not so much.
What is it going to take for some of the TPM community to realize that? They have ALL the electoral advantages. ALL OF THEM. Our massive majority position in terms of population numbers MEANS NOTHING. The system is RIGGED to elect them and give them all the power. It is only getting RIGGED further and further and further (and any “centrist” standing in the way of preventing it should die on the end of a rope).
IT. DOES. NOT. MATTER. THAT. WE’RE. SANE. We will still be living in a fucking country THEY control while THEY are controlled by the far right messaging machine that serves nothing but the oligarchy and white supremacy. They will absolutely believe that it’s the rest of our faults that they suffered and they will believe it because it’s what they want to hear and they know where to go to hear it. They will then vote based on it.
BREAKING: Federal judge in DC has denied Sidney Powell, Rudy Giuliani and Mike Lindell's motions to dismiss the election-fraud related defamation lawsuits brought against them by Dominion Voting Machines.
I sent this to TPM earlier today (after posting a little about it up above). I would try to find a way to move and get my kids out of there if I lived in Burlington, WI. They practically rioted over a 4th grade teacher doing a lesson about George Floyd and the BLM movement because kids had questions they couldn’t get answered at home.
The district implemented an anti-racism policy - and the parents went berserk again. Then they turned it into Critical Race Theory.
And now, the masks…
Anti-Mask Parents Hold Impromptu ‘Election’ After WI School Board Loses Control Of Meeting