Listen Closely Because What Donald Trump Is Saying Is Worse Than Ever

Take a trip out to Istria, it’s beautiful.


Hubby and I went to see Hillary Clinton last night. She is on a small tour to promote her latest book. She was great! Wise, funny, serious about the threat to our democracy. She said many things I can quote here but the one thing I keep remember is this short sentence that perfectly encapsulates where we are as a nation, “I hope that after Kamala wins, the fever will break.”

Let’s get it done!!


In the 2016 campaign he mused about “shutting down parts of the internet” like China does. He was going to ask Bill Gates about how to do it.


Desperately searching for some way to disagree. I got nothin’


I went to see the Apprentice Sunday night with a few friends. If it wasn’t planned I would’ve eventually streamed it.
It’s a solid portrayal through the 1990’s of the amoral Trump that we New Yorkers read about most days in the tabloid media but also the investigative journalism out of the Village Voice and NY magazine. How Fred and Don treated Fred junior was atrocious and showed how awful he is.
However it is somewhat deferential to him and his fledgling business acumen since he did originally have a vision for the development of the Commodore hotel when the city was at its nadir in the mid seventies. He did see, with a lot of help from the city that the economy was changing, from ports, manufacturing, garments etc. to FIRE, finance, insurance and real estate. Unfortunately he got in over his head with Trump tower, casinos etc and multiple bankruptcies, the moral kind as well. The “go go” Reagan Bush 80’s was also an encouragement for him, providing those incentives. Like the ghost writer for Art of the deal Tony Schwartz and other authors said, If he had just stuck with the real estate portfolio he would’ve been fine.


Considering how much less popular Vance is even compared to Trump, his campaign would probably not survive such a revelation. It would lose them the election I’d expect.


I can’t watch/listen to him, but I must know; did he do his famous “jerking off two guys at once”?


40% may thread the needle in the Electoral College. Should he win it will be a decided minority of the voters that dictate the mess that will unfold over next four years. And if the GOP takes the Senate their likely margin will see Red states vastly overrepresented in proportion to their populace. About 42% of voters will dictate the legislation affecting our lives. And if Trump wins it will likely be the third time in the last 24 years a Republican President was inaugurated despite losing the popular vote.

[Updated March 10, 2023]

The U.S. Senate is under Democratic control by a bare 51–49 majority. The Democrats got the most votes in the 2022 elections and won enough Senate elections, so that is as it should be. Nevertheless, the Senate is exceedingly unrepresentative in multiple ways.

For starters, the population of states represented by Democratic senators sum to 36% more people than the population of states represented by Republican senators — 204 million compared to 150 million — but the Democrats only have the slimmest possible Senate majority at 51–49.


Here’s another -
Not-Crazy person who has dealt daily with Trump (was Trump’s Secretary of Defense!) -
and says the guy’s out of his mind and should NEVER be in charge of anything beyond a golf cart



It’s also what Trump is not saying is kind of disturbing. Dancing to music for 39 minutes is a pretty bizarre Townhall



I’ll bet it made Rufus Wainwright scream too—he’s not a Trump fan in any way.


I saw a tape of this event and evidently Kristi Noem suggested that he cut to the music, saying something along the lines of “do you want to listen to your song?” which sounds like something you might say to a peevish 3 year old to avoid a tantrum.


Writing about music is like dancing about architecture.
Attributed to Frank Zappa (among many others).


That is considered cruel and unusual punishment where I come from.





I don’t always click through the MM links but I did today for the link to Brian Beutler’s take on a recent Obama speech and I’m glad I did:

This has consequences, because people are afraid, and they’ve lost everything, and now they’re trying to figure out, how do I apply for help? Some of them may be discouraged from getting the help they need. the idea of intentionally trying to deceive people in their most desperate and vulnerable moments. My question is: When did that become okay? I’m not looking for applause right now. I want to ask Republicans out there, people who are conservative, who didn’t vote for me, who didn’t agree with me. I had friends who disagreed with me on every issue. When did that become okay? Why would we go along with that?



I blame Biden/Harris. This sort of thing wouldn’t happen under Trump!