Jon Tester Will Determine The Country's Fate For The Next Four Years

Jacob Wohl’s dad, David, is loaded and, last I saw, still thinks his son hung the moon. I can’t imagine the boy is earning that kind of money on his own especially given his ineptitude in livin’ la vida fraudulente.


Have I told you lately that I :heart: your steadfast, muckraking reporting work here at TPM??

:pray:t3: :pray:t3:


I still remember them holding a presser in their driveway. Forget the topics but can’t forget how stupid they looked.


Wow! African American women and First Nations people will save us and the nation that has taken so much from them.

We owed them so much before and now we owe them everything.



OT: Hey @Hatmama

Don’t know if you are on Instagram, but there is an account I think you will enjoy. Two married, retired , liberal veterans. She is a hoot and a half.


Jon Tester Will Determine The Country’s Fate For The Next Four Years

Why “four” years instead of six years?


Actually. Why not two years. There is a mid-term


Well, it’s not quite the middle of a six-year term.

BUT the makeup of the Senate will change in two years.


That reminds me – I have to find a copy of April Ryan’s book, “Black Women Will Save the World: An Anthem.” Anybody read it?


Tester wouldnt have had Biden or Harris come out and stump for him, but Walz might…


I’m not on Instagram, but I could take a peek. The resemblance to both of us is pretty remarkable, and our life as well. Right down to living in a English-inspired cottage (but only one dog…)

We just planned out a new shower to replace the old one upstairs in our loft bedroom. Fall is for demolition projects…

This was great, and THANKS for thinking of us!! :hugs:

:hammer: :hammer:

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Yay! Glad you enjoyed it.

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Presidential term, I believe

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But. In two years, the senate could change. Just sayin’

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Walz would be perfect !!!

ETA: I say this as a Washington dweller. Would love to hear from a Montanan (sp?). Any in the Hive???


Next up on the List of People JD Vance is likely to offend: Evangelical Trump supporters.

This article takes a deep dive into some articles and interviews Vance wrote/gave over the past 10 years that have to do with his journey from conservative Protestant to Catholic. It makes for fascinating reading because it gives some insight into how Vance thinks about faith in his own life and how he sees it enacted by believers in their public lives. The tl;dr is that he grew to admire Catholics and Mormons because he didn’t think of them as isolated from society; evangelicals’ isolation, though, keep them from being “successful” (however one defines that term). Some of what he says here is right on the nose; in other places, though, you have to scratch your head in wonderment.

This is the concluding paragraph:

Vance included a cautionary warning that would likely make headlines coming from a Democrat today. “​​A Christianity constantly looking for political answers to moral and spiritual problems gives believers an excuse to blame other people when they should be looking in the mirror. Evangelicals appear to have taken this message to heart.”


I can’t say I’ve ever seen an election where Democrats weren’t facing a tough electoral map.


I, too, just donated to Jon Tester as well as Sherrod Brown, Elissa Slotkin, and Ruben Gallego. It’s easy: just type the name into Google and links to their campaigns will pop up.


I live in Bozeman and just finished a road trip where Tester signs outnumber Sheehy signs 5+ to 1. The local and major media need to do a deep dive into Sheehy. McConnell pushed him to run. He is just like Trump, all hat and no cattle. His Fire Fighting Company lost $77m on only $67M in revenue in 2023, up from a loss of $42m in 2022. It’s in serious financial difficulties and he resigned from CEO this summer. The company is now techinally in default on a $160m bond with the SBA & Gallatin County and the deep dive is starting to happen.

In other words, His success story is much more suspect that he portrays it. Oh, and he lied to LEO in Glacier NP about discharging a weapon in the Park and now says he parachuted into it, which is illegal. Somethings not right about that boy, but he fits right in with the new Trump branded Republican Party.