Jon Tester Will Determine The Country's Fate For The Next Four Years

Morning cats


Done, all around the country, and in both a few Senate and the House races. It’s not a tremendous amount, but if we all pitch in, we can get it done.
, se puede

ETA: I use that Spanish term with deep and sincere homage to the United Farm Workers of America. Formed in 1962 and still going strong – after 62 Years!

Happy Labor Day! Support Union Workers!

, se puede


I must say after constant political ads on TV, I do not watch near as much as I used to. The ads get really annoying. Then there are the abyssmally stupid flyers that come in our mail from some goober source. They’re insulting to the GOP even. And Kari Lake, nut job running for senate is yelling that John McCain republicans need to “get the hell out”.
I’m tired of alla this


I guess trucks spoke donnie’s lingo.

They both belch clouds of toxins into the air.


I’ve been donating to his and Brown’s campaigns and will continue to do so.


Box O’ Cat

I think Ferrous (kitty in the box) was a Republican cuz when our other two cats (neutered males) would get amorous under the bed he’d jump up to the top of our cat tower and give me what can only be described as a look of total disgust at the goings on. He was anti-gay. The dog expressed “no comment”.


Another place to donate!! Texas is on the cusp and Cruz has got to go




Done and done


well as long as we’re all sharing donate links today… folks can donate for that, too!


Done. +1 from TX.


Beautiful kitties. Cool nose markings on the top cat. Names please.


Thanks!!! It’s my birth state. Still remember the halcyon days of Ann Richardson and Mollie Ivins.


We can get there, if not this cycle then the next. And some way or other we have to take down Abbott, Patrick, and Paxton–they are a gangster cabal beholden to Big Oil/Gas.


I hope Jon Tester can work Tim “mind your own damned business” Walz into a few rallies. That message, plus farmer roots, military service, and being pro- hunting is a perfect fit for Montana. And at the same time he would appeal to many of the young folks in the colleges, which is not insignificant in a state of just over 1 million population.

Edit: And Walz’s Lieutenant Governor in MN is a Native American woman who would ascend to becoming the first female AND first Native American woman Governor of a State, if Harris/Walz wins. The Native American vote in MT is also relatively significant in that low population State.


Very OT, but may be of interest to some of you:

In his role as a founder and CEO of the new firm, Wohl uses the name “Jay Klein,” according to the former employees and emails obtained by POLITICO. Burkman uses the pseudonym “Bill Sanders,” the former employees said.

LobbyMatic, whose website does not list any company leadership, temporarily signed up at least three brand-name clients: Toyota, consulting firm Boundary Stone Partners and drug company Lantheus, according to two of the former employees.

Running their new firm under pseudonyms appears to be the latest instance of shady behavior by a pair of convicted fraudsters who’ve become infamous in Washington for various schemes. Now, they are seizing on public exuberance around the promise of AI to transform the workplace — in this case, on K Street.

I’m guessing that making up overheard conversations in hipster coffee shops hasn’t been paying the bills like it used to.


Has MSM picked up on this at all? Of course not!!

In an audio clip recorded at a fundraiser on November 6, 2023, Sheehy brags about roping and branding with members of the Crow Nation. He says “it’s a great way to bond with the Indians while they’re drunk at 8:00 a.m.”

Four days later, while speaking at a Hamilton campaign event, Sheehy told the audience he rode in the Crow Fair parade. “They’ll let you know when they like you or not, if Coors Light cans flying by your head… They respect that,”

Sheehy is in a tight race against three-term U.S. Sen. Tester (D-MT), a member of the U.S. Senate Committee on Indian Affairs. In an article published on Friday, August 30, 2024, Sheehy leads the race by 3.5% points in an average of 13 polls

  • Sheehy has a history of inappropriate and bigoted social media activity, including posting “lewd photos of women, racist costumes, and homoerotic jokes.” [Insider, 7/11/23]
  • In a survey commissioned by a Super PAC supporting Sheehy, three gender options were given - “male,” “working woman,” and “homemaker,” in a particularly egregious and offensive display of his regressive views towards his own constituents. [The 19th, 1/25/24]
  • Rather than focus on issues that actually matter to Montana’s parents and their school-age children, Sheehy highlighted “drag queen story time” as one of his top educational issues behind his decision to run – and called for prayer in schools alongside the pledge of allegiance.

Sadly, none of those is disqualifying for the GQP - they’re badges of honor.

In Montana, there are 12 federally recognized tribes and seven Indian reservations. And, there are 74,130 Native American of the voting age in the state, according to Four Directions Native Vote.

Montana’s Tribal Voters Could Determine the Makeup of the Senate


AI isn’t gonna be the savior or mega profit msker some expect. It’s akin to trying to pet a pissed off Western Diamond Backed rattler with your bare hand.


As with most gold rushes and bubbles, it’s always the people who sell stuff to the pioneers who end up rich.


Now, THAT took some interesting investigative journalism on SOMEBODY’S part. I would thought these twerps were in jail for their merry pranks over the past many years. I wonder who paid off their last crime’s fines. $5 Million is not chump change.

Thanks for posting this!