Jan. 6 Never Ended And Is Still Ongoing To This Day

It’s as if no one was there filming his photo-op. There weren’t even 29 cars waiting for him to serve them from the drive-thru.


I gurss trump married an immigrant and thereby poisoned the blood of his own son… Barron. Poor boy.


Unskewing and questioning polling assumptions and methodology are not the same thing.


Backwards. JFK said “Ask not what your country can do for you – ask what you can do for your country.”


We have some unfortunate drama going on in my state senate district’s race.

Yesterday, we received a letter from the Democratic Party’s co-chairs for the district, in which they urged us to vote for the Libertarian Party’s candidate instead of the party’s own candidate. The reason? The Libertarian candidate has “done the work to win this race”–by implication, the Dem has not. If yard signs are any indication, there’s a complete absence of them in my part of town for the Dem candidate. Meanwhile, the greater good here is defeating the GOP incumbent to at least get rid of the Republican super-majority; besides, the Libertarian has pledged to caucus with the Dems in Topeka, and has pledged support for those things that the Dems want done there.

The fact that this letter came only yesterday indicates the urgency the co-chairs feel. I’ll need to do some further research to decide what I’ll do; I’m afraid, though, that this request could lead to a split vote that will allow the GOPer to win.


Because they think he’s correct. Only the faithful will be allowed into that shinning city on the hill.


After VP Harris wins, one of my most hated memes must be put out to pasture. I can’t stand the constant media refrain of ‘polarized nation’. Polarization is written about as though it were just some unpredictable, natural phenomenon. I have yet to see an article from a major MSM outlet on how the current polarization is a direct result of a sustained, decades-long campaign by conservatives and the right wing media. Polarization is basically Fox News’ business model.


Which was the point of my reply. Not sure why you only clipped the first half.


TPM comments section = Continuing Education in many fields.


Just got back from a meeting with a financial advisor who started off with if those damn democrats get back in office , That did it , I replied with if we are going to start with politics I am a proud democrat and trump is a fucking idiot and a fascist Now that we have gotten that over with I have a few questions. God you should have seen the look on his face, I guess they think only white men are allowed to express their opinion( I am a woman)
Boy did he apologize
Before I left I did make a point to let him know the reason the . stock market went up was we have a democratic president. Two can play that game and boy was it joyful
Edited to add, I am home now, phone rang and guess Who?
Just wanted to apologize one more time


FINAL NYT/Siena College poll:…”

Final on 10/25 for plausible deniability purposes.

I urge all NY Times subscribers to unsubscribe from that rag.


American Garbage Speech > American Carnage Speech.



"It rather confidently reports that Musk’s canvassers are hitting “well over 100,000 doors a day,” for instance, “according to a person with knowledge of the group’s activities.

Needless to say, that’s almost certainly someone from America PAC or someone who works directly for Musk. "

Anonymous sources have become permission to lie. Zombie Fourth Estate must die.

And whatever replaces it needs to have a clear and publicly available code of professional conduct and ethics like other professoins/industries or the entire thing is a waste of time.


Because they believe it. It goes beyond the openly stated targets though. Sure “illegal aliens,” sure “immigrants,” those are the targets that can be stated publicly. Those groups will probably be the first targets, they have visible or audible cues to guide the hate, but fundamentally fascism and theocracies demand absolute conformity to their norms and ideology.

Lately when I hear the GOP saying “illegals” are voting, I hear people they don’t want voting are voting. That would be me and most likely everyone here. It took Martin Niemöller till after the war to express his regret for complicity with the fascist regime. I’m sure most of the people who will wind up voting for Trump and MAGA in general will regret their actions, but this time there may be no after.


The facts: Trump tried to overthrow the government by violent means when he lost in 2020, and he has repeatedly promised publicly and brazenly to do the same, should he lose, now in 2024. The GOP has not tried in the least to hide its collective organizational efforts to do just that. Trump has also promised repeatedly and explicitly to abandon the U.S. constitution and govern as a dictator. He has promised repeatedly to direct government violence at this opponents and critics.

The reporting: The Post sums it up–Trump is running an “unorthodox campaign,” and continuing to “break norms.” When two U.S. military generals who had worked for Trump said he was a “fascist,” and Kamala Harris said she agreed, the Times simpered that Harris had “said the F-word.”

We face a good possibility of a catastrophic, nation-destroying outcome, and this failure on an epic scale will have been a major component of such an outcome.


A financial advisor. Obviously he knows what Trump is and he doesn’t care because of money who are the most egregious Trump voters (and includes every GOP member of Congress naturall). And that’s saying a lot.


Sorry. Didn’t mean to offend. I was too hasty. Just reinforcing.


I’m going to get way into the weeds here, but there is a right-wing movement to have another Constitutional Convention, where they would (presumably) write into law all the stuff SCOTUS and the Northern District of Texas could only dream of. My question: Could the country literally break apart over that? I mean, if the Northeast and the West Coast don’t want to play, could they form their own countries and have it be a bloodless break?

Gawd, the things That Man has forced us to think about.


The new GOP campaign song blessed by Tucker C