Jan. 6 Never Ended And Is Still Ongoing To This Day

Originally published at: Jan. 6 Never Ended And Is Still Ongoing To This Day

A lot of things happened. Here are some of the things. This is TPM’s Morning Memo. Sign up for the email version. The Insurrection Playbook Morning Memo had the chance to attend director Nick Quested’s screening of his Jan. 6 documentary “64 Days” last night in DC. It draws mostly on footage Quested shot while he was…


Kitty is tired of all the chaos coming from the dotard and wishing he would just go away.

  • FINAL NYT/Siena College poll: Among likely voters nationwide, Kamala Harris and Donald Trump are tied at 48% apiece.

Yeah, about that. It’s bullshit. The tweaks are the point.

the state of a race is less work than covering the stakes

Couple this with teeny tiny respose rates and we’re just left with content for it’s own sake.




Country of the small shoulders. (Sorry Carl)


The polls seem so out of line with other evidence that I’m just wondering how much “skewing” is going on. I’m starting to wonder just how much of the poll results are being fiddled to give the orange one cover for claiming election rigging and justification for whatever he does next.

I’m also suspicious that this election will be the last hurrah of polling. I think it’s just impossible to get a good sample with all the new and different communication means. I suspect caller Id was the beginning of the end here.


Whatever the result of the election, Biden must have Elon Musk charged with espionage and subject him to enhanced interrogation techniques, a lot is going to come out. The bastard is a menace to this country.


Looks like Puppetmaster Putin has one more puppet on a string. Maybe Musk renaming Twitter to “X” was inspired by him looking up at his wooden controller.


I share kitty’s feelings. Kiss that beautiful floof for me?


I want to stay informed, but I’m becoming more and more anxious by the minute.


And some people who enthusiastically vote for him are trash?


I get that it’s a good thing that the former Trump administration officials chimed in supporting Gen. Kelly, but isn’t this wording a bit peculiar?

‘“We are all lifelong Republicans who served our country. However, there are moments in history where it becomes necessary to put country over party. This is one of those moments” the letter states.’

If there are exceptional “moments” (only moments?) where it is necessary to put country over party, it follows that the default position is to put party over country. Shouldn’t it be the case that one expects one’s political party ALWAYS to act in a way consistent with the country’s interest, and ALWAYS to put country above party when there is a conflict? That wording is unconsciously revealing.




Their hero said “Garbage”. They are garbage.


Some of the “last minute in the campaign” polls are jiggered by pro-GOP pollsters to drive the average in Trump’s favor. The legitimate pollsters are, with some notable exceptions, unbiased. But again, it’s the assumptions behind the polling model. How are they made and who makes them? What role does the news organization that commissioned them play in decisions about how the poll is run and which results to accept as final. Or are these just handed to them without involvement (Maybe? I have no idea. It might be good to find out whether or not it really is just a black box.)


Did anyone else assume that one of TFG’s first acts would be to fire Jack Smith? I guess he may have actually said it out loud, but who expected him to keep him in place?
It might also be amusing to make a list of the things he is going to do on the first day, immediately, or as his “first act”.


He said the US is the garbage can of the world, so they could be either garbage or trash. Kind of turning Emma Lazarus’ poem on its head.


Sadly, very sadly he will never leave us. Memory will remain


The “tired, the poor, the wretched refuse of your teeming shores” has worked out pretty well for the United States. Just sayin’ …


Polling for this election is basically worthless because of blatant bias for tsf.

Too many polls are deliberately under counting women’s votes, especially young women. Kamala has this and tsf knows it. All we have to do is GOTV and her campaign is putting a lot of effort in doing so.


It is time for the Wordle Company to get back in its lane…

ETA: Thanks for high-lighting a spot where pollsters are fudging and cherry picking. I believe (on vibes alone, mind you) that Harris will win. For my mental health, I don’t want to get lost in polls or reviewing all the bs coverage by unserious people. But … I’m really glad - verging on tears - that you are finding the evidence to confirm my priors here.