Jan. 6 Never Ended And Is Still Ongoing To This Day

Officials in Colorado believe ballots for the upcoming presidential election were “intercepted,” Colorado Secretary of State Jena Griswold announced on Thursday.

The alleged voter fraud reportedly occurred in Mesa County.

Griswold, a Democrat, said she believes about a dozen voters within Mesa County had their ballots intercepted and filled out without their knowledge. The alleged criminals then mailed the fraudulent ballots to the clerk’s office using U.S. Postal Service boxes.

Mesa County is Tina Peters territory.


I can’t help but note it’s just so convenient for their final poll to be a tie. That means if the MoE is 3%, they’re almost guaranteed to be correct, though I wouldn’t be surprised if Kamala won by 5%+.


The NYT article linked in the MM is one of the reasons I still keep a subscription (well, that and the cultural and foodie coverage). It’s a long read but worth it.

The good news is that this is being reported on, with many eyes on the potential shenanigans. It’s what keeps me from being too anxious or depressed about it. Free gifted link:


Nothing about Queen Bee? CNN ran a chyron that said Harris would appear with Beyonce today in Houston. Instead of Beyonce with Harris LOL.


So trump wants to be president of “garbage”.
What a mixed up man


“The secret of the demagogue is to make himself as stupid as his audience so they believe they are clever as he.” – Karl Kraus


Calling other humans “garbage” and the right wing Evangelical Christians will say nothing except nod their heads in support. The shame is everlasting.


NYT hates me. Even in lonks that are supposed to be free


My conspiracy theory: The MSM, by making polling look close up to the election provides ample evidence for Trump to claim the election is in doubt. This provides ongoing news headlines i.e. revenue, through, at least, inauguration day.


After all the (hopefully non-radioactive) dust settles in a few decades, I hope somebody is finally able to tell us how it went from anathema to completely acceptable for an American politician to do an open Hitler. I’ll never understand it, whether he wins, loses, or coups it up again.


What was it the brilliant Nancy Pelosi said about Trump? Was it “with you, all roads lead to Putin”? Applies to many other top Republicans and billionaire plutocrats as well.


With Trump and followers we are the sewage plant of the World.


Jan. 6 Never Ended And Is Still Ongoing To This Day

It’s good that over 1000 J6ers have been prosecuted.

But, too bad the most of the main planners are still free to keep the coup going. Who knew? :rofl:


Sure thing,


do people actually pay for this crap?

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The problem that will always be faced when dealing with fascists is not devolving into the same rhetorical devices and eliminationist rhetoric they engage in. We can’t really call them garbage or trash without demonstrating exactly the same behavior we find reprehensible from them.


From the MM:

Trump has promised repeatedly and in myriad ways to weaponize the Justice Department against anyone who opposes him, revoke its independence, and use the powers of the presidency recently enhanced by the Supreme Court to protect himself from criminal prosecution and accountability to the rule of law.

It sure would be easier if the Country’s most knarly, nasty, and feckless judge, Aileen Cannon, would be his choice for Attorney General. Does DonOld know that she is a half-Hispanic Immigrant to America? Never mind… he doesn’t, and he really doesn’t care, either. He’s just constantly mouthing off, about everything. It’s all he’s got.


The other reading is that they feel that their preferred party will on occasion take a position which is really bad for the country but most of the time they can trust them.

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No, no, no! It’s those OTHER people who enthusiastically vote for him who are garbage.


As long as she kisses the ring, he couldn’t care less if she were a lesbian Hispanic Jewish Ghanaian.

“Look, the lesbian Hispanic Jewish Ghananananaiiiiaaans love me!” he would say.