Jan. 6 Committee Obtains Draft Trump-Era Order Laying Out Plan To Seize Voting Machines | Talking Points Memo

They’ll go to their graves believing in everything he says, even if he unzips his suit on national television to reveal that he truly is a slavering sphincter from another planet. (I mean, he already appears to be, and they think he’s a deity.)


Yup. Very real chance that we get almost his entire inner circle on charges, but never quite enough to get him directly.

I’d be okay with that.


Perhaps ignoring this is a hill worth dying on?


We’ve already had several massacres and attempted massacres.


(1) desperation
(2) hubris
(3) yes-men
(4) George Herbert Mead’s Play Stage

To me, the minions were always the scariest ones. I never knew Trump personally, but his emotional development seemed to be “playing” in the presence of tolerant and permissive adults (the minions).

The minions, on the other hand, were (are) grown-ups willing to destroy this country and fully aware of what that means.


I look at Ms. Kraken, Esq. and I wonder to myself: How did she ever manage to reach her current age without having stuck a fork in an electrical outlet? Or closing herself into a refrigerator.

I’m not sayin’ that Darwin needs to up his game, but… damn.


His numbers are diminishing day by day. It is only the morons in Congress who are so damn out of touch that they do not realize that they are on a hayride to oblivion.


Paper ballots can be audited, and they are, every election, with spot-checks. And sometimes mandated recounts if the elections are close enough. And those pesky paper ballots didn’t support the AZ fraudit narrative, as the frauditors themselves reluctantly acknowledged.


Naw. Feds are prickly beings. Played one in a previous life. They’ll be stubborn and resist orders just for the sake of resisting orders.

So, like, many of them will happily get all vaccinated, but balk at leadership telling them they have to report their vaccination status. Stuff like that.

Feds don’t get much empowerment, and get crapped on regularly, so when they do have something to tweak back at the system, they’re all over it.


There’s an irreducible cult there, though. I deal with them locally, and am amazed at every interaction. There are a whole lot of them, and I suspect we’ll see many of them radicalize to new, alarming levels in coming years.


And the existence of those paper ballots did precisely nothing to cancel the magats’ grievances over losing the election.

And we could all see it happening in real time. Except, like you say, for the story behind the scene.


It all depends on what the Committee actually can do with this stuff – how they hand it off, and to whom. More stay tuned, I guess.

It’s clear that conviction in the court of public opinion doesn’t work. Not enough people pay attention. Or care that much, really.


Same here in St Louis County, MO.

At the last election, with one item to vote on, I filled in my circle. Walked my ballot over to the guy wearing his kilt, he took it from me, looked it over for the things you mentioned, and then fed it into the machine to read.
He complimented my on filling in my circle correctly. Without thinking I blurted out: “Well I did read the instructions”.
They do still have at least one touch screen machine for people who don’t have the eye/hand coordination to fill in their circles.


They can remain insane longer than you can remain alive.

Recovery from cult membership is very hard.


Yeah missing. And missing also the resistance from antifa that would allow them to declare martial law. Great planning when a huge pivotal part of your plan is something you cannot control. :roll_eyes: :roll_eyes:


OT: But related…

It has been a tough, tough week over in Trumpsville. I bet there’s excrement on, like, every surface, floor to ceiling, in the residence of a certain golf resort in Florida.


hahahahahahahahahahahaha Wow it just doesn’t end.


Yeah, as they diminish in numbers, they get louder and even more obnoxious and crazy. But thankfully there really are not enough of them to vote for and elect the Orange Criminal again.


It’s Karl Rove’s “we create our own reality” metastized and gone lethal, in a country where avoiding the vaccine is the new drinking the koolaid.