Jan. 6 Committee Obtains Draft Trump-Era Order Laying Out Plan To Seize Voting Machines | Talking Points Memo

I would have said yes a few years ago, remembering times people in my precinct would get annoyed at the wait for a voting bay and just use one of the veterinary tables lining the school way hall. Paper was much faster to mark, too.
Here’s the thing, though: now it’s easy to vote anywhere in the county. No more high-tailing it back to central Austin because I worked way north. No more taking the evening off from my moonlighting job because there was no way to get from job A to my home precinct and back to job B in time.
Now we have the best of both: vote at any location on a machine, it prints out a human readable and auditable ballot, yeah. The problem is that we need way more voting locations and machines because it is still a bottleneck. Easily solved with a little money though.


Except, it’s generally considered that the chief executive, the pres. has broad powers to manage the federal government in such manner and by such means to achieve maximum organizational efficiency. Isn’t this a separation of powers issue?


Gorsuch don’t care.


Yes. My Mom was a Dem Committeewoman at the time, and boy did she ever get a kick out of watching the 7:00 News. I think she used to like Harry Reasoner if memory serves me correct.


Sorry, Roberts and Rapey McBeerface.


It won’t change anything. Forget it, Jake. They’re magats.

It did finally happen to the Nixon believers when all the hearings were televised, and the truth came out.

Not really. There were enough true Nixon supporters left to impeach Clinton over a fishing expedition that lasted years and say out loud that it was payback for Nixon.


Only about 80% of ballots had at least paper backups in 2016.

Later investigations proved that hackers, most likely russkie, hit almost every State. Thing about paper backups, you’ve got a trail that you can verify that someone did or didn’t tweak vote tallies while hanging around back there. If you have no paper trail and decent hackers with the right access, they can swap a Hillary result over to a Trump result and you’ll never be able to prove a damned thing happened.

Luckily, by 2020, paper backups were back in vogue, reaching over 90%, and the russkie hacking op fell flat.


Pleading in the alternative, they had solid intelligence about the Antifa/BLM plans to (something, something) and were taking the necessary steps to protect our democracy.


I don’t think so, and if she had been appointed Special Counsel election witchfraudfinder, she’s be effectively immune to their civil suit for a very long time.


“Another document detailed a speech Trump never gave on the Jan. 6 insurrection, in which he would have forcefully condemned the rioters and ordered the Justice Department to prosecute them. Instead, Trump expressed his sympathy for them.”


And the Feds will say (and fairly so): Hey, nobody else is being required to do this, why are you picking on us?

Then they’ll invoke concepts like equal protection under the law and whatnot to stir the pot.


Especially since they’re dying of COVID at a pretty high rate cuz they refused to get vaccinated.


Well, the bright side for Trump is that it’s finally Friday. The bad news is that Monday’s coming.

As Hemingway noted: “Gradually, then suddenly.”


Trump bumped that up a few notches with “alternative facts.”


Of course, it is quite a bad look when you are asked to produce that intelligence and all you can come up with is “the dog ate it”…


You’re forgetting the abundance of info that was hitting the public, and that’s with two systems of info. Fox, OAN, and Newsmax on onside and the rest of the TV News on the other.

I can still remember asking why does Trump think he won when all the votes hadn’t been counted? That he wanted the vote counting machines turned off at 11PM EST. because he knew he had won. Crabbing about how his “numbers”, I am assuming polling, showed that he won.
They were running scared. And throwing all kinds of shit on the wall to see what would stick.


:broken_heart: :100:


Exactly what I meant when I noted that there is no win in paper ballots if all you are worried about are magats. There are other perfectly valid and important reasons to implement paper ballots with machine readers and tabulators.

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You are talking about members of the Republican side of Congress. I was talking about Real People who vote. Republicans in Congress have been mean as snakes ever since Nixon, and yes, the Clinton impeachment was nothing in the world other than getback for uncovering his crimes.