Jan. 6 Committee Obtains Draft Trump-Era Order Laying Out Plan To Seize Voting Machines | Talking Points Memo

There are some fine American patriots in the military (Air Force excluded due to evangelical infiltration) who know their duty and know the Constitution and know history. They also knew that they were dealing with a mad man and a coterie of grifters like this country has never seen before.;


Yep, just read them. Tell me which parts trip up krakenlady. She then still plausibly had a reputation for integrity (unquantifiable, so no disciplinary actions means integrity is intact). Familiarity with DoJ policies, maybe, but still arguable and who’s gonna tell the AG no?

§ 600.3 Qualifications of the Special Counsel.
(a) An individual named as Special Counsel shall be a lawyer with a reputation for integrity and impartial decisionmaking, and with appropriate experience to ensure both that the investigation will be conducted ably, expeditiously and thoroughly, and that investigative and prosecutorial decisions will be supported by an informed understanding of the criminal law and Department of Justice policies. The Special Counsel shall be selected from outside the United States Government. Special Counsels shall agree that their responsibilities as Special Counsel shall take first precedence in their professional lives, and that it may be necessary to devote their full time to the investigation, depending on its complexity and the stage of the investigation.

(b) The Attorney General shall consult with the Assistant Attorney General for Administration to ensure an appropriate method of appointment, and to ensure that a Special Counsel undergoes an appropriate background investigation and a detailed review of ethics and conflicts of interest issues. A Special Counsel shall be appointed as a “confidential employee” as defined in 5 U.S.C. 7511(b)(2)(C).


Game, set and match to.Dominion in Dominion v Powell?


You may have already guessed this, but Jeff Brown is a crank. Unfortunately he has many cranky colleagues at the Fifth Circuit, so this will probably stand unless Roberts and Gorsuch think it’s okay to require people to be vaccinated in federal workplaces such as their own


Doesn’t mean that wasn’t planned ahead.

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I agree. I grew up during Watergate, so I expect gops to be corrupt. But, what Cheeto Mussolini was involved in has to be orders of magnitude worse. He was actually working to overthrow the duly elected government of the United States. That’s just not a thought I was having at the time. At least, not to this level.


I can remember when it started to snowball with Nixon — went from ho-hum, to hmmmm, to OMG to putting off dinner to watch the clips.

Like a rollercoaster ride.


The copious amounts of facts the MAGA base deny every day are legion.


It all makes so much more sense if you convince yourself you will get away with carrying out this really stupid plan, because the really stupid plan is going to work. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


A statement that is apt for the Trump years. Donnie wanted what was plausible to become true.


I’m just concerned that it’s really not (outside of the Hive, naturally) going to move any needles, precisely because it did play out so very much in the open and really isn’t news. Sure, now we’ve got the draft of what Powell and Flynn were discussing at the meeting, but the substance (martial law/seizing machines/DOD doing the seizing) were already reported on when it happened.

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Day of counting by machines followed by paper audit or full.paper counting as in Georgia. Less opportunity to lose ballots in that scenario.


Does Gitmo count as being exiled? I think he should be there with all the “dangerous Muslims” who would be real glad to interact with /donnie.

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I can see the motivation for that; the paper ballots have instructions, in big, bold type, explaining to fill in the circle, not just check it or whatever.


Disney can handle it, along with Fastpasses and VIP cards to jump the line. Then you have employees walking the line looking for people hopping up and down with twisty legs, offering them a Speedpiss™ ticket for just $200. Classy.


Stepping back for a second, is it possible that the courtiers surrounding Trump drew up these crazy schemes with little input from himself and he was simply grasping at any any scheme that was put his way? The man appeared to know absolutely nothing about how government worked and might have been totally unaware of what was legally feasible or not. Where’s the intent? The Committee will need to show that.


I still find it hard to wrap my wits around it. Never has the word unbelievable been so right.

I love your comment x1000.


True, true, but they are going to get buried in an avalanche of proof that Donnie is a mad, shitcrazy grifter. It did finally happen to the Nixon believers when all the hearings were televised, and the truth came out.


Not at all, that’s a vital step, if you’re going to let a machine collect the voter’s input. But I’m not advocating for machines doing that, I prefer marking up a paper ballot myself. Just saying that if you’re going to let a machine do it, this is how to go about it.


It means EXACTLY that there was no plan to have Clark install Sidney Powell as “special counsel.” The ONLY reason Trump ever considered making Clark the Acting AG was because the then-Acting AG refused to sign his dumb letter to Georgia, and that didn’t happen until the end of December.

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