Are we sure that wasn’t David Dennison?
I think more than a few politicians on both sides of the aisle thought Trump would self destruct before he became the existential threat he is today, many publicly proclaiming that belief.
That seems to be right on brand for todays GOP. They’ll head to the fainting couch to read as much as they can.
EVen wOMan oN MaN?
It makes it sound like they had a goat in the car with them.
No kidding. ‘Your brain is your enemy’ is quite the message to be promoting. Come to our church, we’re opposed to reason in any and all circumstances.
Thanks, txlawyer. I just sent your words to my brother who is forever trying to bring me down into his doubtful negativity.
You think you should clarify it was 27 years ago, involved a BJ and was a sting operation?
It doesn’t make any more sense, especially, but perhaps the T fell off in front of REASON?
Building a town within pissing distance of a volcano.
People do it all over the world. Italians grow grapes on the slopes of Vesuvius and Etna, because the volcanic soil is really good for vineyards. People live on the flanks of Kilauea and continue to build there even though the volcano has been erupting almost continuously for the last 50 years. As volcanoes go, Iceland and Hawaii’s volcanoes are pretty tame. Vesuvius is definitely one of Mme Pele’s crankier homes, along with St Helens and Ranier. (Yeah, I know that Ranier hasn’t blown. Yet. When it does, it’s going to be a doozy, though.)
The 2024 presidential election will have the highest turnout percentage of all time.
Most voters yes, highest percentage is highly doubtful.
Building a town within pissing distance of a volcano.
The whole island is within pissing distance of a volcano generally, so very little choice. It’s just a matter of how active and what it’s going to belch out.
Of interest. Reykjavik works out pretty well as Reekingness Bay. Supposedly due to the sulfur smell there.
The only bright-spot to the Ds whiffing on making Insurrection the star of the '22 election, is we get a second whack at it. This time,
To be fair, the Supreme Court handed a better campaign issue on a silver platter.
TBH, they might do it again
- Trump supporters are asked: “Would you rather have four years of Donald Trump as a dictator or four years of President Biden re-elected?”
DoEs PupPy dO YouR cApitAls?
I bet Puppy is working on his penmanship.
Right, but that isn’t you excusing them, is it? Powerful people, who are supposed to be leaders, sat on their hands at huge climactic moments and hoped the enemy would self-destruct? And we should be OK with that, or give them a pass?
No way that’s real!? Is it?
Martin Luther wrote a whole treatise effectively saying that. But I suspect this has been photoshopped.
You and @theghostofeustacetilley help start the day out right. Thanks!
The possible bright spot in this, as Lawrence O’Donnell pointed out last night during MSNBC’s coverage of the caucus is that , among self identified republicans, Orange Palpatine is only getting 60 % support.That means that 40% of a shrinking republican party wants someone else. Dems and freedom and democracy loving American patriots need to constantly lay out the stakes in this upcoming election and vote like American democracy depend upon it.