Well, we did utilize abortion better than the R Senate abdication, oath-breaking, insurrection, and titanic cowardice. But not much better, it was more a visceral natural reaction from the populace. We need to better elicit that and help empower that. But it wasn’t really enough, and we have seen slam-dunks evaporate before.
Bing-pot! %
Maybe Ramalamadingbat will just go away now; that would be an improvement.
And DFG getting under 50% does not bode well for him.
America: The Mos Eisley of the world.
Looking forward to Mango Mussolini doing yet another rake stomping toddler march through the courtroom in the second Carrol trial.
“…as long as that dictator thinks and looks like me. But we wouldn’t want one of those “other kind” of dictators…if you catch my drift.”
Just say it, you racist bastards.
Seems like a Sinclair executive could afford a room.
See also Mueller Investigation…
At first glance I thought it said Reagan.
Still would have been accurate
Agree whole-heartedly but laying out the stakes, being rational, standing for the correct things isn’t the same thing as being persuasive, upbeat, confident, welcoming, unifying, and appealing.
This is retail politics. A beauty pageant. A HS popularity contest…with a very flawed electorate who aren’t thinking straight in a million ways. Cold logic and Doomsplaining won’t move the needle nearly as much.
Double checking your Chewy order?
Agree, but remember Dobbs happened just as election season started, & nomination Conventions approaching
The more recent issue will always burn brighter.
Yes, bright spots.
When I saw the “landslide” headlines, and considering it was Iowa, I expected it would be more like 50 points over the nearest runner up, not his total. Signals 50% are not necessarily convinced, certainly 50% are not cultists. The next few trials (and some convictions in there) may push a few even further into “never again FatAss” territory.
Buh bye, Vivek! The “V” in your name did not stand for Victory, it stands for Venal!
Perhaps we’re overthinking it.
Well, there are still Bush’s, Cheyneys and Romnys around….lets see if they realize that the old conventions and norms around staying silent when out of office survive the existential risk we are facing as a government of the people, by the people for the people or their silence helps usher in government of the people, by the fascists for the benefit of an orange shit stain.
A bit OT: https://themessenger.com/politics/anthony-scaramucci-campaigning-for-biden-2024
Any bets how long this cycle will last?
Ya, no cameras or devices allowed in the courtroom and no media room. So we will need to wait until breaks to hear from reporters.
At least they are telling the truth on that sign. There is usually some kind of BS written on them.
Well, kudos for saying it out loud.
I guess.