A lot of things happened. Here are some of the things. This is TPM’s Morning Memo. Sign up for the email version.
This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://talkingpointsmemo.com/?p=1478090
A lot of things happened. Here are some of the things. This is TPM’s Morning Memo. Sign up for the email version.
Gone from this world, but not forgotten
Jurassic Pork
Gone are the scoundrels, hacks, hangers-on, and would-be authoritarians like the Bushes, Cheneys, and Romneys. In are the worst group of scoundrels, hacks, hangers-on, and would-be authoritarians this nation has ever seen.
Just an FYI for those that subscribe
Baltimore Sun Media sold to Maryland business leader
It was just purchased by the CEO of the Sinclair media group.
And of course
The president of Baltimore-based Sinclair Broadcast Group Inc., which owns the local Fox television affiliate, was arrested Tuesday night and charged with committing a perverted sex act in a company-owned Mercedes, city police said.
David Deniston Smith, 45, of the 800 block of Hillstead Drive in Timonium, who also is Sinclair’s chief executive, was arrested in an undercover sting at Read and St. Paul streets, a downtown corner frequented by prostitutes, Baltimore police said yesterday.
Smith and Mary DiPaulo, 31, were charged with committing unnatural and perverted sex act. Smith was held overnight at the Central Booking and Intake Center and released on personal recognizance at 2 p.m. yesterday. DiPaulo’s bail status was not available.
Iowa GOP Embraces Insurrectionist For POTUS
… … … … …
Much more sensible headline TPM.
Beats LANDSLIDE!@@!!!@!!!×!=!!!
However, instead of “insurrectionist” I would’ve used the word “traitor”.
The 2024 presidential election will have the highest turnout percentage of all time.
Jeez, what counts as an “unnatural and perverted sex act” these days?
(I wonder if this will be covered by the Sun or any of Sinclair’s Bawlmer stations. hahahahaha)
Oh, my, certainly looks angelic!
The only bright-spot to the Ds whiffing on making Insurrection the star of the '22 election, is we get a second whack at it. This time, we are fighting 3+ years of memory-holing…but Chump is actually in court this time, fighting over that very definition and 1000 people have pled (or been found) guilty for it. We can’t hold our breath and hope one of the trials delivers a definitive blow…in fact even if that happens the electorate might dig in harder. It’s about media and narrative and messaging. Dems need to offer persuasion, be appealing, make a place for the disaffected, but never let an opportunity pass where Chump and his congressional lickspittles aren’t called out for the craven traitors they are.
ETA: Which, btw, I think Biden does a great job of. In fact, I thought Biden was given less enthusiasm and support in 2020 than the Dems were capable of…and still won. How about we Dems get our messaging and our poop-scooped-in-a-group this time and put the hammer down.
Puppy!! My day is made!
Gotta admire those Icelandic MFs. Building a town within pissing distance of a volcano. Of course, if you’re willing to eat fermented puffin, sewn into a bag and buried for the winter…
AnythinG otheR tHaN man on WOMAan is libTard perversION.
She might have looked like and angel but… Just kidding she was a dream to share life with
Gone are the Bushes, Cheneys, and Romneys.
Who would have thought we’d someday be looking back and seeing those people as relative good-guys by comparison. It just goes to show, there really is no limit to how bad things might get.
Warming his paws?
Not that there’s anything wrong with that.
No thank you. Bush and Cheney paved the way for Trump.