Inside the Capitol Riot: What the Parler Videos Reveal | Talking Points Memo

Realizing one’s stupidity is a tough thing.


But is it sedition if they don’t know they sediting?



Ignorance of the law is no excuse.


The Republicans successfully created and branded the “Black Lives Matter” and “Antifa” brands to compete with the iceberg that sank the Titanic. More than Covid, they animate the right and create white victimization. I wonder if the whole BLM movement had happened next year rather than last year if Republicans wouldn’t have abandoned Trump and the GOP in huge numbers?

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Go to the Twitter page of Scott Adams of the Dilbert fame and it will feel like visiting a land of aliens.


Hell yes.


If they win, no. Then their delusion that they represent the duly constituted government becomes fact (until their maximum leader has them all purged because they’re dangerous). But when they lose, their belief that they’re in the right is irrelevant.


Much prefer Douglas Adams.

Thanks for the fish.


So much ignorance. I’m not sure how I would go about becoming so ignorant if I tried. It’s mind blowing.

Edited for typo

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You’d just have to listen to people lying at you for hours every day, and avoid news sources that you currently consider accurate. After a few months to years the new world view would sink in. (Years ago, when I used to visit my aunt for thanksgiving, fox was always on on the kitchen, with presentable, reasonable-sounding people saying things in reasonable voices and only now and again slipping complete fabrications (not to mention the slants and misinterpretations) into the conversation. If I hadn’t be reasonably informed already, it would have all sounded plausible to me. )


NEWSFLASH: Parler is back online, hosted on (wait for it…) Russian Servers.

All traffic is passing through Russian networks.

I’m Shocked. Shocked I tell you!


Yup, I posted several messages about that yesterday - the hosting company appears to be DDOS-Guard Corp, founded by Russians and with IP addresses around the world.

Here’s the thread with technical details for those so inclined:


I’m convinced that this is a huge part of how people get “radicalized”: a steady stream of propaganda droning away in the background when you’re not consciously paying attention to it. Because you’re not really listening you’re not evaluating it, so it just slides by your bullshit detectors.

There’s a well-known cognitive quirk whereby humans believe something occurs often if they can think of an example- the classic example is stranger abduction of children which is rare but endlessly reported on the local news. Sub in election fraud or migrant caravans and people will readily agree that they are a “big problem” because they’ve heard someone droning on about it every day for years.


They’re all Bobbies waking from a bad dream in Dallas.


As Rumsfeld said when it was obvious that we were not being met with flowers and candy, “Damned those cell phone cameras.” Cheney made sure they took them away from the troops during the invasion before people realized what a mistake it was.

Science and technology is more dangerous to today’s American Taliban than it ever was to the Catholic Church during Medieval times.


Based on his social media postings, law enforcement believes the alleged Three Percenters riot suspect, 24-year-old Robert Gieswein of Woodland Park, Colo., runs a private paramilitary training group called the Woodland Wild Dogs. A federal complaint filed Sunday said Gieswein wore distinctive military gear during the riot – a camouflage shirt underneath a reinforced military-style vest with a “Woodland Wild Dogs” patch, an Army-style helmet marked with orange tape and patches, goggles and a black camo backpack. Gieswein allegedly sprayed an unidentified substance at federal officers outside the Capitol and encouraged other rioters as they broke a window to the building. Once he entered through the broken window, according to the complaint, he was seen inside carrying a baseball bat and a spray cannister will his cell phone affixed to his vest and facing outward.

Gieswein was pictured next to another suspect charged Sunday, Dominic Pezzola, who was seen wearing a “Proud Boys” shirt. According to a witness, Pezzola, who witnesses say is known as “Spaz,” allegedly said the rioters would have killed people including U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Vice President Mike Pence had they gotten the chance.

Among those charged Sunday was Timothy Louis Hale-Cusanelli of Colts Neck, N.J., a member of the U.S. Army Reserves and a contractor at Naval Weapons Station Earle, where he maintains a “secret” security clearance and has access to a variety of munitions, according to a federal complaint. A confidential source working with an NCIS agent said Hale-Cusanelli admitted he was inside the Capitol during the riot, the complaint said, and showed the source videos of himself making harassing and derogatory statements to officers.

The source told the NCIS agent that Hale-Cusanelli is an avowed White supremacist and Nazi sympathizer who posts extreme political opinion videos on YouTube. On Jan. 14, the source recorded a conversation during which Hale-Cusanelli admitted to entering the Capitol and encouraging other members of the mob to “advance” using both voice and hand signals. He allegedly said that if they had more men, they could have taken the entire building.


That voice! It cuts right through you to your liver. Another opportunity for Sarah Cooper?

Absolutely outstanding archival and analysis work by ProPublica. This video, which they highlight in their article, is devastating evidence of how utterly overwhelmed the thin line of police attempting to defend the Capitol building actually were as the mob of 10s of thousands of banner-waving, rage-shouting trump cultists pressed forward against a couple dozen desperately embattled officers – some (the MPD) protected only by a bike helmet and armed only with a baton.

Heartbreaking to watch:


Agreed, watching people born in this country (I can’t call them Americans) storming the Capitol like it was a banana republic, shook me to my core.

At least 9/11 was foreign terrorists…


It also helps to live among people who are very similar to you who are getting the same misinformation and reflecting it back to each other.