Inside the Capitol Riot: What the Parler Videos Reveal | Talking Points Memo

Heartfelt synopsis. Thank you.

Trump needs to be held to account. McConnell et al need to be held to account. It took a village to create this horror. Make them pay. Social media companies, Fox News, talk radio. They are all complicit Along with the GOP. The GOP created all this and it was more than ironic that the mob wanted to hang Pence. Poor guy can’t catch a break. And yet he is as mute as Thomas of the Supremes. What a gutless wonder.


Barf. Exhibit A on why something should be done about Fox. Poisonous assholes.


Some day, an aspiring Ph.D. candidate will write a dissertation about the impact of Fox RW propaganda and disinformation on people who actually believe all of the MAGA myths (stolen election, Trump actually won, etc.). These people are clearly hearing only things that support what they believe, with no other information filtering in to create any dissonance in their belief system.

That’s the Fox captive audience that is cynically exploited to keep up their ratings, truth be damned.


One is most likely female. She has a ponytail on top of her head (doesn’t look like a man bun) which you can see from the back just before she pulls the sweatshirt on. Profile also more feminine than masculine.

Expect we’ll be seeing them on the front page on of these days…


All filmed with phones Made in China.


She already did.

“The consistent persecution of every higher form of intellectual activity by the new mass leaders springs from more than their natural resentment against everything they cannot understand. Total domination does not allow for free initiative in any field of life, for any activity that is not entirely predictable. Totalitarianism in power invariably replaces all first-rate talents, regardless of their sympathies, with those crackpots and fools whose lack of intelligence and creativity is still the best guarantee of their loyalty.”


Knowing the host’s preordained " opinions" expressed over years of tabloid mediocrity at Faux…you may want to look elsewhere for " news"


I’m sure they will know whose cell phones pinged locations at the Capitol on the 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th and it should be easy to tell if Boebert or anyone else led a tour that included the rioters before the 6th. The truth will come out.


Arendt also wrote “The Banality of Evil” about how evil gets normalized…as we have seen in the past four years.


If there are devices in the building to strengthen/repeat cell signals, they should be able to pinpoint movements fairly precisely.


There is a lot going on here, but one thing that stands out and has stood out for a while is that these folks all feel entitled because they think that they, and only they, are the ones working (the fact that they are here rioting on a weekday notwithstanding) and paying taxes. Its one of the big lies that’s been fed to them since at least the days of Reagan.


Outside, a young man in the crowd pressing past the inaugural stands’ scaffolding shouts out to no one in particular: “All these fucking years I couldn’t see in here. I’m going to see it today!” Nothing, in fact, had ever kept him from seeing this public building. But in his mind, he had been barred.

I’m gonna go out on a limb here and say it was ignorance that had kept him out.


I read that “some people” saved the Parler videos. These would be the hacker volunteers who documented the site’s unbelievably shitty security architecture, which:

  1. failed “open” after its third-party authenticator dumped them, allowing(?) the unrestricted commandeering of admin accounts,
  2. failed to strip the geotag & device ID meta-data from uploaded photos & videos, and
  3. preserved all the incriminating posts and files that members frantically tried to “delete” after the riots.

Parler is already notorious for employing user SSNs and driver’s licenses as identity verification.

Led by @donk_enby, these hackers organized via Twitter and efficiently parceled out the work of archiving 70TB of data (ie, almost the entirety) in the limited time before AWS booted the site off its servers. They deserve their own ProPublica article.

EDIT: It seems there is some dispute over the extent of the breach–in particular, donk_enby herself disavows the capture of existing admin accounts that would grant access to non-public-facing user data. It isn’t clear to me whether the failure of Twilio’s 2FA may have allowed creation and self-promotion of new admin accounts that might grant such access. The archiving of all public posts and data is significant by itself; however, I am not eager to spread misinformation, so please apply due skepticism to my points 1, 2 and 3 above.


At least they’re wearing pandemic masks this time lol

I’ve interacted with quite a few avid Trump supporters and they were all 100% convinced he would win the 2020 election in a landslide. Quite likely he’d win every state, including California, because it’s so obvious after 4 years that he’s making America great. Everyone can see it now, how the stock market went up, unemployment went down. Covid was not Trump’s fault. Anyone paying attention will blame that on China. The (silent) majority of Americans support Trump; they’re just shy about saying so. Suburban women won’t admit it to their neighbors out of fear they’ll be called racist, but once they’re inside the privacy of that booth, they’ll be voting overwhelmingly for Trump.

That level of conviction made it much harder to believe that Biden had actually won. Something was wrong…


None of these people believe the election was stolen. They hate liberals, and are literally having the most fun ever in their entire lives. ‘The election was stolen’ is just plausible deniability. Seems the MSM is missing the point again. They are baiting all of you. How can you not see it?


Not only the Con Man but a large portion of the Republican Party continued to LIE about fraud (no fraud!!!) without a scintilla of evidence, in the election. Of course the Con Man is mainly responsible and I hope he is indicted for insurrection, but so many members of the GOP abetted the lying and were also responsible for the attack on our Capitol.


The Parler cache is truly scary…
And it’s a visual expression of trump’s inability to accept that he lost the election. Losing anything is weakness to him at that is utterly unacceptable. As we know it’s a foundational part of his diseased mental make up. It was beaten into him by his dad from an early age.

Losers are weak he thinks. In his world it’s losers and those who take by any means necessary.
It’s why trump said, as a candidate, that there will be ‘so much winning that we’d get tired of all the winning’ (paraphrase). And people believed his carnival barker bullshit
It used to be for me that Nixon was the worst ever. But now Nixon looks pretty damn good by comparison.
trump has a shitload of legal problems all of his own making. I hope he spends a ton of time in court and prison.


Yep and I think bunches of them will turn their backs on the GOP.


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