Sadly, it doesn’t take many successful pathological wealth hoarders to wreck society.
I read a few days after he was fired FOX let on it had dirt that would prevent him from taking another talking head job, no idea if it’s true.
Apparently for a Fox News professional like Tucker, reckless disregard of the truth is mere child’s play. Tucker’s way above that, in the land of scienter.
Putting $20 on Russia 1, Filling in for Vladimir Solovyov.
Fox executes Tucker. Don’t need him any more. He cannot accept his fate, like so many who justifiably get fired.
Tucker just joins the roster of RW media whores going back to Fr Coughlin and through Limbaugh, Alex Jones, to just name 3 that come to mind as I write this. Join the crowd, Tucker old bean. Accept a common fate. Guys like Stalin would have shot you.
You’re a totally unsympathetic character in this little drama. Cannot muster even a casual sympathy for your ass.
Narcissist #2 behind TFG who has the most #1 place fully secured.
Yer stuck Tucker
That’s dried Fox drool buddy
Yeah, too bad it didn’t happen. Remember, Kissinger still lives.
Maybe, but it’s hard to see a scenario where TC and Fox don’t negotiate a way out of that contract that doesn’t include non-disparagement terms and disclosure of ‘confidential’ employee communications, or something to that effect.
The already public emails show him as a misogynst, racist, while also bad mouthing his boss, the owner of the company, and even Dear Leader… pretty sure thats enough to make him radioactive to just about everyone.
But Fox owns the servers (and the data) for all company communications while he.worked there. I’m sure they have plenty of extra powder should they need it.
“But his emails” will be a thing for Tucker. Irony.
Here’s where he worked over the years: CNN (2000–2005) PBS (2004–2005) MSNBC (2005–2008) Fox News (2009–2023).
Note how short all the tenures were until he got to a non-news outlet, i.e. Fox which paid big for mediocrity.
May I remind you, Mr. Carlson, that there are several more high-profile lawsuits regarding the 2020 election lies you were spreading? This show isn’t over just yet.
Yes, but not to be confused with someone who is a real journalist, without quotes.
They knew what he was, and they supported him anyway.
“But we see, you say, and so your sin remains.”
What a bunch of LOSERS.
Former Fox News host Tucker Carlson was worried that former president Donald Trump’s election denialism and false rhetoric around the 2020 presidential election would trap him at Fox News for the rest of his career, according to texts obtained by The Daily Beast.
Seriously??? That’s it for him??? His career is over??? No more Tucker??? Ever???
Litigation would be nice
So if their idiot viewers demanded snuff films, I guess Fox would just shake up its prime time lineup.
Yes. You do.
I dunno about that. Hasn’t seemed to have hurt him with the MAGAt crowd, who seem to be casting Fox as the bad actor in all this. You would think that the revelation that Carlson privately hates Trump would sour them on Carlson.
It is truly weird.