In 2020 Texts Tucker Carlson Lamented He Would Likely ‘Die’ At Fox News

Ooooh a headline about Tucker Carlson dying! :heart:

Depends on whether they want to wait until the end of 2025, when his Fox contract expires.


People fail to realize, we ARE the Borg. All will be assimilated, resistance is futile!


and money is satisfied before the endless lust for power is ever satiated

Another promise broken

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Conniving doesn’t even begin to describe the hypocrisy of Tucker Carlson.

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Come to think of it, I’d be cool with his career being the end of Fox, too.

(Ain’t holding my breath, but they sure as Hell deserve it.)


Better to die at Fox than live at Twitter, but stupid’s gotta stupid.

This is the kind of snark I come to TPM comments for.


I always preferred “a chihuahua puzzled by the smell of his own farts”. (not mine)

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On the twatters. Really. Apparently he ate $25 mil on his remaining contract with faux to get out of the non-compete.

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Could’ve gone on vacation for 2 years and still make $25M.

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Yeah, but once you’re out of the public eye it’s very hard to get back in it. Being a player is worth more to him than the $25 mil (Swanson heir).

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With that kind of money plus the trust fund, he could be a player whenever he wants to be but I get what you’re saying.

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So Tucker on Twitter. Please explain to me how this is any different from ISIS videos on whatever internet platforms ISIS used. Maybe he won’t start with beheadings, but you can be sure it has the potential to end up there. We’ve all seen the “right wing death squad” patches on the Proud Boys uniforms, right?

i don’t care what anyone else said, Tucker Carlson was not fired for racism, but for weakness.

He admitted, in that same, infamously racist text, to being bothered a little bit that he caught himself watching a bunch of white breds gang stomp a helpless, purportedly antifa person. He enjoyed it. He rooted for the gang to kill the defenseless person. Then he realized his feelings were wrong, wrong and more wrong.

Carlson was fired for copping to the not-even-bare-minimum shred of humanity, to know better than to cheer for a bloodthirsty mob to beat a defenseless person to death. Racist? Check. Liar? No problemo. The One Thing Fox cannot abide is their star “talent” going soft.

$787.5 million dollars (so far) may have had something to do with it.

New in Journalism?? I beg to differ.

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Tucker Carlson

He said he’ll continue his “show” on Twitter. Pathetic. He just never imagined he could or would be shit canned.
Evidently these buffoons become so self-enamored and intoxicated with their celebrity they think it will never end. Murdough was heard to say, “Will no one rid me of this meddlesome toad?”

“You supply the photos, I’ll supply the war.” – william randolph hearst, over a 100 years ago