So if I understand this correctly, the breaking point was being asked to pay compensation to the whistle blowers who were fired and attacked by Paxton. Republicans tend to hate whistleblowers more than they ever hate a corrupt Republican.
This reminds me of Jay Edgar Hoover or Joe Arpaio. Everyone knows they are pieces of shit, but they are scared of the possible blackmail and persecution that may ensue if they challenge them. A completely amoral asshole who happens to oversee a large police or law enforcement agency can rain hellfire down on you. Every time someone challenged Arpaio here, they would find their kid suddenly picked up for a DUI or one of Arpaio’s henchmen would magically find kiddie porn on their computer. They can be subpoenaed by a grand jury for no good reason. They can have their lives turned upside down and made broke by legal bills.
I would like to see the complete list of people whose rights have been trampled by Paxton as he has tried to hold on to his corrupt empire. Don’t know how this is going to work in the Texas Senate, but I hope a lot more details come out in a form of trial. Paxton seems ready to shoot to kill.
Among the Republican politicians there are no real good guys here, just scorpions fighting in a bottle.
But, not so fast. Because there is one thing that can save Trump from the dark realities of legal accountability—and it happens to also be the only thing that is likely to turn the tide in Putin’s disastrous war in Ukraine. That is the reelection of Donald Trump.
Once again the interests of Trump and Putin are aligned, but this time the stakes for both are much higher than they were in 2016. That should worry us all. It should worry us a lot.
Yup. I can see why Trump supports him. It’s what he brought to America during his term, and will do it again if re-elected. But this time on steroids.
It’s chilling the extent he interfered with the FBI and a federal court regarding a criminal proceeding. As Nick Paul has fallen on hard financial times, so I wish Ken Paxton gets hard time.
I maybe be misunderstanding your question, but the $3.3 million dollars Paxton asked the legislature for was to pay the settlement that Paxton agreed to settle the lawsuit for firing 4 whistleblowers from his office.
I think the question now is does Paxton have $3.3 million dollars to fulfill the agreement he entered into.
In September 2020, Paxton hired an attorney named Brandon Cammack as outside counsel.
One of the alleged whistleblowers to-be refused to sign an employment contract for Cammack; Cammack then, allegedly, at Paxton’s direction, falsely claimed to be a special prosecutor “in order to obtain grand jury subpoenas under false pretenses to investigate, harass, and intimidate Nate Paul’s perceived adversaries.”
So…impersonating a special prosecutor before a court of law. Where’s Brandon Cammack’s indictment?
Kevin is a known and notorious liar of a scope snd intensity that few besides Trump can attain. He claims that Hakeem told him that the “Democrats are very upset snd there’s nothing in the bill for them” Hakeem says that’s false.