How Federal Workers Will Be The First Casualties Of Trump II

We can’t be certain. All we know is we haven’t heard a recording of him wondering.


Poor old Nancy Mace. She needs help with a filter and better lighting.


I think it’s moved beyond that. The entire RW ecosphere, the media corps, the talking heads, the elected officials, the blogs and influencers have all realized they don’t have to do anything else. They don’t have to govern, they don’t have to know anything, they don’t have to follow any rules, they don’t have to be careful about bribes and corruption…they just have to dominate and manipulate the media.

Whether The Dotard is in fine shape or not. Whether they are worried about him failing badly or think it is a fair fight…they will dominate the airwaves with how it was all rigged. Now, they have cranked it up many notches and they don’t worry about manipulating the story after it has happened, or shaping the narrative to warp what we all SAW with our own eyes. No, now they get ahead of things by weeks/months to claim it is all rigged ahead of time. Start working all the refs, well in advance.

They don’t have any other job. They don’t have to really campaign. Don’t have to govern. Don’t have to have a platform or policy. Don’t have to know anything about any of it. The media is the lens we all use, because we aren’t there in person. If they can warp 60% of the perception, the hits, the eyeballs, the buzz, and the news cycles they are proving they really don’t need anything else. At least, until we prove them wrong.


And that took how many months for them to decide while pregnant women had to hope there were no surprises before they got home with their bundle of joy?

Meanwhile, this whole mess will be revisited as the state legislature attempts to pull emergency care out from under half of the population.


please drop the “will be.” Self fulfilling prophecy. Should say “would be.”


To the contrary, the majority ruled that the Sackler family could not shed their personal liability via the bankruptcy of their company. Rapey McBeerface is just bleating in his dissent that the settlement would have benefitted all of their victims. I think the majority got it right.


She has fears…more performative postured projection…

Asked “what version of Joe Biden” she expects to see on the debate stage, Mace said it’s a question of “How much Adderall are they gonna give him? How many vitamins is he going to be on?”

“How long was his nap today? You know, I’m joking but I’m being serious. Is he going to scream into the microphone this time like he did at the State of the Union address? Which was just absurd and out of control,” she said.

Biden’s performance will depend on “how effective whatever meds they use to medicate him on the stage to keep him awake” are, she claimed, repeating what has become a steady mantra among Republicans as the debate draws closer. Trump himself has repeatedly fantasized about Biden taking drugs to stay sharp, even claiming earlier this week that doctors would be giving the president a “shot in the ass” just before the debate starts.


Here’s my nightmare. Biden looks noticeably older than he did 4 years ago. I am afraid the “big take” from our incredibly shallow media will be exactly that - he looks noticeably older than he did 4 years ago. They are prepping this like a WWE match, and I think most people’s opinions are going to be based on what they see. The people who haven’t made up their minds are looking for the shallowest of reasons to vote for one or the other, and I am afraid this will give it to them.
I am not religious, but the cheesburger from heaven has been creeping into my meditations a lot lately.


Thank you. I clearly misunderstood the ruling. I think the Sacklers should definitely be held responsible for the damage they have done.


Even though I believe that Pres. Biden will win, the fact that Mr. Trump could be leading in any polls after all that is known about him is truly depressing. The only thing that might be more depressing are the comments of ‘independents’ (How could you be an independent at this point…:?) regarding the race: ‘Gee. I think the economy is bad and people are really divided now’ (So, I might vote for the would be dictator…?).


Performance enhancing vitamins? Biden cranked up on One-a-day Men’s 50+. Somebody doesn’t read the labels.


" * Nate Silver has unveiled his new post-FiveThirtyEight election model: It gives Trump a 66% chance of winning in November."

Yep. America is done.


Or nates model is crap.


I am wondering when vitamins became an issue. Sorry Joe, no Omega-3 either. And put down that orange juice. No Vitamin C for you!


I would add enthusiastic rapist, because he has a long history of that. Jesus, what a monster.


Vitamins and energy drinks…who ever heard of such a thing! Next thing you know ole jumpin’ Joe will be mainlining Red Bull.


All Presidents look that way after their first term. Hell, Clinton started with sandy/light hair, and by the time the '96 campaign came around, it was just pure silver.



Anyone who does one of the most stressful jobs on Earth for 4 years and doesn’t look noticeably aged isn’t doing their job.


not to worry,she has that strong man to help her put him in his place; note to DON…she isn’t IVANKA…


My husband added that they should be held…
upside down by their heels. That’s how they should be held.


The only way to stop bad pollution is with good pollution?