House GOP Poised To Force Shutdown Over Non-Citizen Voting, Teeing Up Their 2024 Election Denial Message

In Illinois they’d just mail my Ma a little sticker to put on her license until she told them she quit driving no tests or anything.



I don’t recall there being an upswell of support for Federal ID Cards from the left, either.

What Real ID was intended to address is that some state’s IDs were much easier to get fraudulently than others, some implied the state really knew the birthdate and picture on it were maybe correct and other couldn’t be assumed to imply that, some were easier to counterfeit than others, some had better anti-tamper features than others, there were no uniform standards for validation technology, machine readability, etc. Real ID was probably a need whose time had come.

What’s amazing–kind of a sad joke and comment on how things [don’t] work in the US, really–is how long it has taken to get all the states on board issuing compliant IDs and how long it has taken to get to the point where the original goal of requiring them when state IDs are used for federal purposes (e.g., getting on a military installation, getting past a TSA checkpoint) is maybe going to be realized. Now May 7, 2025. About two decades after the Real ID act was passed. (I emphasize maybe because I won’t be at all shocked if the TSA date gets pushed out yet again for some reason yet TBD.)

Note if you want to fly and don’t want to get a state issued Real ID compliant ID, you can just use your US passport. What, don’t have a passport either? Then how should the TSA trust you are who you say you are and that you are the person on the boarding pass? (And in the other data that the airlines generate and provide to TSA to link you to that boarding pass.)


Jesus, a government shut-down in October of a Presidential election year.
Only a Republican could think this is a good idea.


Inasmuch as the House holds the purse strings, that’s not on the list of things that could happen. Mostly, but not always, they keep paying the military, too, because everyone knows what happens to empires when the army goes unpaid….


Legally, the House will get paid in spite of a shutdown. This is an argument made, pending every shutdown, but legally, they will be paid regardless.


As always,nothing of substance…stunts and slight of hand…it may finally be confirmed that citizens are weary of the grift and will punish these do nothings at the polls…their story and actions are beyond stale…their motives are so obviously anti American.

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Why do you want the Democrats to behave as if they were Trumpers?


This is a last hurrah for Johnson and the MAGA morons. Do they realize what they are not funding? Do they really want to hurt large voting groups over this stupidity. It won’t result in a single vote for them. The idiots who believe non-citizen voting is a thing are already voting for Trump. The rest of the electorate will be pissed. The house is running for reelection in a few weeks. Republican gerrymandering is going to have to be airtight or a lot of them are going to be packing their bags.



Note I di c not say it would happen. Only that it would be appropriate… sufferingwise.


When I did precinct work in Virginia, we were able to tell people if they were at the wrong voting place and give them the addresses for the proper ones. Virginia voter cards print every voter’s precinct address on the card, so trying to vote at the wrong precinct does not happen often.

Election workers in Virginia have access to the voter registration rolls for the entire county. It’s easy for them to find the correct precinct addresses and send voters where they need to go. Voters who show up at the wrong polling place are not treated like criminals, they’re treated like people who made an error that is easily fixed.


Prior to 2016 (when I began mail in voting) the procedure was to sign a book next to my printed name and provide the address and then show some sort of proof of name + address. Driver’s license, gas bill… something. Being undocumented and actually succeeding in voting is improbable on an individual level let alone hoards of brown skinned mother rapist criminal child eaters voting.
Kind of a … ahem… nonissue.

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We got real IDs in Virginia as soon as they were available. That said, we always travel with our passports anyway. That way, if we want to add a Caribbean weekend or the like to our itinerary, we’re all set.

Now that we live in Canada, we don’t have real IDs anymore. We informed our previous election board of our change of address. They checked our documents and confirmed our identities, then sent us new voter registration documents with information about voting by mail, as well as information about our home precinct, etc.


This episode of everyone’s favorite gameshow, “Please Proceed…”, is going to be lit.

I’ll go on record here that this will just fuck them severely in the election. I almost WANT them to do it.


Seems stupid to me to harp on an empty non existing issue but a third of humans are well beyond stupid and are not self aware hence they’re open to bring led by the loudest voice that speaks to their racist fears.
I have the backside of this. I’m a Celtic White guy living in a Hispanic neighborhood where Spanish is local Lingua Franca. I’m in a minority!! Oh dear!!
I like my neighbors… they like me.


FWIW, living in MA for 41 years, I have never once had to show ID when voting. Some jurisdictions have always understood that fear of in-person voting fraud is a nothingburger.


Because I have no ethical issue with silencing MAGG assholes, whether or not by democratic means!


You should consider that a serious character flaw that needs work.