House GOP Poised To Force Shutdown Over Non-Citizen Voting, Teeing Up Their 2024 Election Denial Message

Never ever underestimate the stupidity of the American voter.
Phoenix is mired in it’s 100th day of over 100 degrees temperature. All those millions of air conditioners are spewing out more heat into the atmosphere. Trump says Climate Change is a Chinese scam.


Yeah I did that too. I renewed my passport even though I haven’t traveled outside the country since the early 2000s. And it costs money, so the ID that says one is who they say they are is the most expensive route.



No argument.

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Sorry, I do not consider it a character flaw.

Fyi. Tucson has around a million people nearby. All will be using A/C today as the projected high will be around 105° or even higher today. Does that heat make a stupid voter? Mmmm… could be…

I just started looking through it and made made it to Section 2(b) (forms of acceptable ID) where there is this:

“(3) The applicant’s official United States military identification card, together with a United States military record of service showing that the applicant’s place of birth was in the United States."

So it sounds to me like this would have prevented John McCain from voting in federal elections. (Edit, this is incorrect b/c as darrtown reminded me, the Canal Zone where McCain was born was a US Territory at the time)

Edit To Add: in multiple places the bill talks about having ID that states the person’s location of birth. I may be wrong, but I don’t even believe REAL ID compliant IDs include that bit of information.


US possessions count as US soil
Otherwise McCain would not have been a citizen by birth. At the time of his birth the Canal Zone (or part of it) was a US territory. Consider folk born in Hawaii or Alaska in the 1940’s… They’re citizens by birth. Birth counts in more than the “lower 48”.

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Good catch. I forgot that the Canal Zone was a US territory.

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At least one of his parents wasn’t a US citizen?

Heh… the only reason I knew that was a visit to Panama in 1991 before the canal reverted to Panama in 1999. Treaty was signed in 1977 so anyone born in the zone prior to 1977 would be a US citizen.
I walked the bridge and stepped on the south side just so I could brag I’d been to South America.

Both parents were Americans and he was born on US soil in a US possession. That qualifies as much as any other citizen according to Amendment 14, section 1 of the Constitution.

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Once the bill’s in place they’ll start purging voters from the rolls and it’ll be a song and dance to get registered again. The RNC and NCGOP are suing North Carolina right now to remove close to a quarter million people.

It’s the same here in North Carolina.

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I carried my passport in my work backpack for years and years. At least, if my wallet got stolen, I’d still be able to get home through the airlines (wouldn’t be able to rent a car, but oh well).

Mine expires next year and, though I’m retired from that kind of travel, I will probably go through the expense of renewal. If/When we go back to the dome house we’re building in Wisconsin, I’m too close to the Canadian border to not have a passport.


Mine does not have place of birth location on it. Just the birth date.

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I checked mine, and I will also renew mine next year. Better to have than have not.

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I have to renew it anyway - having moved from WI to CT last year changes my residence. It no longer is in sync with any of my other ID.


Children born to american parents are also natural born citizens as per federal law going back to 1790s

There are a few caveats around marital state and length of residence in the US (US citizenship is not infinitely heritable) not all of which make sense. But most kids born outside the country to american parents are natural born american citizens


That’s the way it should be throughout the USA.

We’ll be keeping our American and Canadian passports updated until we die.