Originally published at: House GOP Poised To Force Shutdown Over Non-Citizen Voting, Teeing Up Their 2024 Election Denial Message
House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) is prepared to take his duties — as Donald Trump’s designated spokesman/guy using Congress to attempt to ensure the former president gets back in the White House whether he wins the election or not — all the way to the brink of a government shutdown. As Punchbowl and others have…
Cat to come.
Solution: Add a rider to the bill. No one convicted of 34 felonies can vote.
Edited to add a Cheetah. (Say it slowly)
To quote a popular former president ( paraphrase really because he wouldn’t use this language) Please proceed republican assholes……
“Go ahead, make my day”
I’m so old, I can remember when the most feckless Johnson in Congress was Ron.
Those were the days…
Mike Johnson is a sycophant. A toady. A corrupt SOB. What else is new?
Um, er, that’s not very old…
In other breaking news, water is still wet.
I sincerely hope that the gutless spineless mendacious Mike Johnson is stupid enough to try.
When your only tool is Mike Johnson, every problem looks like a porn monitoring app
Please GOP, please shut down the Government ahead fo the election.
Democrats and particularly the Harris campaign could not ask for a better gift.
Wow, they’re really gonna go there for that feral filthy fascist. Amazing the mind control he has over them though, that they’re willing to repeatedly fall on their sword for someone like tRump. Truly a cult.
The redundant piece of legislation is the SAVE Act, which would require that anyone registering to vote in a federal election provide proof of citizenship, a kind of supercharged version of the Republican-pushed voter ID laws of yore.
Under the traditional, but antiquated notion of “presumption of innocence”, the government is required to provide proof of non-citizenship.
Then let the government shutdown and loudly blame it on these swine. Make them responsible and hold them up as un-American and corrupt. Or maybe just arrest them all. What the hell. Biden is immune for any official acts that might circumvent the law. Have them all seized as seditionists. In any case that law must not be passed.
all the way to the brink of a government shutdown.
How about we start with Mike and Donald’s business interests first. You know, as a “laboratory of government.”
Maybe Truth Social. Take it all the way to the brink of absolute collapse and see what the economic effect of that is on its value. If it goes bankrupt, then Republicans can explain why they deserve to be entrusted with any of our money.
They blow so much of it.
Just to play devil’s advocate here, what would be the downside to Democrats just letting a redundant, pointless bill sail through? Does it contain provisions that are more restrictive than current registration requirements?
I do sometimes worry about Repukes being able to scream (facetiously, of course) that Democrats don’t want to protect voting if passing the bill wouldn’t change anything.
Always worth remembering that passing legislation to fix non-existent problems is invariably to fix a problem that is unspecified, whether that be voter suppression, damaging the opposition party, providing cover for an even worse act such as government shutdown, or what have you.
They’ve pulled this shutdown crap all the way back to Newt Gingrich and it never works out or ends well for them. Not sure why they think this time will be different.
Have you been watching State Farm commercials again? ; - )
From the start, Trump and his cloud of third rate grifters have acted like people whose plan for victory doesn’t entail actually winning the election. Playing golf for a week? Campaigning in Billionaire Retreat, Montana and then a tour of sundown towns?
Christ, I hope the FBI hasn’t been cowed into taking eyes and ears off the militias and right wing terrorist groups.