House GOP Poised To Force Shutdown Over Non-Citizen Voting, Teeing Up Their 2024 Election Denial Message

Personally, I think Johnson (and the rest of the Freedom Caucus) should be arrested for furthering domestic terrorism. Using the same logic that was used to imprison the 9/11 terrorists, they should be sent to GITMO. Biden can do this by Executive Order, and then just ignore the SCOTUS, as it has become corrupted. If Harris is elected, she can just continue the Order. If Trump is elected he can cancel it. As I see it this is a win-win situation. Either way, we remove bad people from trying to subvert the electorate.


Haven’t read the bill but can imagine restrictions that could leave a lot of US citizens scrambling; how many have a passport for example.


And perfect for the job he is being paid to do.

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I think the top line issue is mostly a combination of talking points and a distraction. I don’t know what all is in the fine print, but I expect there to be some truly toxic voter suppression stuff in there. Probably some anti-abortion and other stuff as well, because this is what they do.


From what I’ve seen and subject to correction, it doesn’t include any new restrictions. It’s a worthless messaging bill that says you must be a citizen to vote, which is already the law of the land. It’s political theater to support Trump’s claim that Dems want open borders so all those brown illegals will vote for Kamala in November. .

Speaker Johnson may be making noises about supporting this, but so far, has managed to quell attempts at a government shutdown with Dem votes because he knows the R’s always get blamed for it. He’s a religious lunatic, but he knows how politics works. This is a loser for the R’s if they shut down the government right before the election.


Non-citizen voting …

Show me data Mr Speaker
Catch a non citizen voting and here in Arizona they’re looking at prison and then deportation
It’s not worth it

This is a non issue
It used to be citizens trying to vote at the wrong polling place. I voted at the same place each election from 1980 to 2016 when I switched to mail in. In those elections maybe 2 dozen citizens tried to vote in the wrong precinct. That’s not many. And they were citizens.


And there sure are a lot of them (insert Blazing Saddles scene here) to choose from.


Because they’re stupid and they’re ideologues, and they have no historical awareness. They aren’t even good at politics.

is irrelevant.


So the MAGgots now want to attack our fellow voters.

That is unforgivable.


It would be appropriate I think to make sure members of the House are not paid their salaries during a shutdown.



If it is just political theater then @ekcambridge’s point stands. Harris can just get out of the way and say that the harm from a government shutdown is worse than making a redundant bill law. And if you don’t like that, she can say, get rid of the party that plays politics by manufacturing pointless bills and then threatening to shut down the government!


I wonder if a Russian company is behind those too?


Do you have a REAL ID DL? According to Google AI all 50 states, DC, and five US territories have complied with REAL ID.
Wasn’t REAL ID a Republican thing?


I believe RealID is universally available but is not mandatory. If you never have to get on an airplane, you don’t need it.


That’s my thinking, as well as taking away the RIGGED ELECTION FRAUD FRAUD FRAUD ILLEGAL LIZARD PEOPLE FROM MARS VOTING1!1!1! propaganda fest.

How can TCF justify his BS claims after his team passes the SAVE Act?


I do now but only because I renewed my DL early and requested one. AFAIK even to this day not all states are in full compliance and in some that were tardy, like mine, you don’t get it until your next scheduled renewal at which point you have to bring in the documentation required if you want one; e.g., original birth cert or passport. ISTR you are not required to get one even if you drive but starting sometime in next year, TSA will demand one or something as good like a passport.


Shutting down the government because of non-existent illegal voters, meanwhile 95 percent of all illegal election fraud is committed by republicans. You want to stop illegal voter fraud than shut down the republican party.


Trump Claims Schools Perform ‘Operations’ To Make Kids Trans In Utterly Bonkers Rant

Who knows, maybe Johnson might add something in the bill that prevents tRumps claim that our schools make kids trans. tRump is clearly a f*cking idiot. Let us rid ourselves of this filthy foolish fascist once and for all.


Read national voter I.D. somewhere in there. Hell I have to show I.D. to get a loaf of bread.

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