House GOP Poised To Force Shutdown Over Non-Citizen Voting, Teeing Up Their 2024 Election Denial Message

REAL ID for boarding flights is suppose happen in May 2025.

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it’s been put off for years now. The once or twice a year passenger has no idea this is a thing.


Who started the REAL ID thing in the first place? And why?

Don’t remember maybe after the shoe bomber or the guy who set his crotch on fire?

It’s designed to consolidate info about airline travelers on a national level. My state of WA offers it as a renewed driver’s license, but it’s not required to board an airplane here until next year (February, I think?). If you have a valid passport that works too.

Real ID has nothing to do with state voter registrations that all operate on different levels depending on the state.


Someone with a megaphone oughta clearly and loudly point out the special level of Republican stupid it takes to believe in this “millions of non-citizens voting” garbage.

Rigging an election with in-person 1:1 vote fraud is like stealing $1,000,000 by urging a million people to hold up their local bank for one dollar apiece. Felony+deportation risk in exchange for zero personal gain…and then you have the impossibility of hiding it or keeping it quiet.


9/11 was the reason. Thnx Wiki
This started in 2005, or in 2005 Congress passed legislation. Reading the Wiki entry takes me back, way back over who supported, the Heritage Foundation, who was against, and how this all finally came to be.


I believe he admitted to grand kids. Could be wrong.

The last few go-rounds on shutdowns have generally involved some similar grandstanding moves by repukes and Dems have held them off for the most part by standing on a position something like, “They want to shut the government down over a bill that is wholly unnecessary in that it makes illegal something that is already illegal and on the books. We’re not going to pass a law that will only give them a platform to confuse and intimidate voters that are historically discriminated against and intimidated at the voting booth.” (At least that’s what they’d say in this case.) I say give it a whirl. In recent history we haven’t knuckled under to this bullspit and it’s worked for the most part. Why start now?


Yeah after reading the full Wiki page I get that Real ID wasn’t tied to voter ID. In fact it was about two years ago or so that MO made it requirement that voters had to show a photo ID to vote.
I’m surprised that Musk hasn’t developed some sort of biometric chip that we all will have to get implanted.

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Excellent point! As I said, just playing devil’s advocate, the Dems know how to play this game.


No. It was designed to establish uniform standards for issuance of a state ID. Since TSA is charged with making sure “we” know who is boarding commercial aircraft, they “need” to know/trust the uniform validity of the state IDs they use to verify who they are allowing to pass.


Frankly I’m shocked to read the words “On the Monica Crowley Show.” Shocked at first that Trump has to go on there (doesn’t he have anything better to do), and even more shocked that she still is out there doing something… anything. From the woman that got her start writing love letters to an aging, exiled Richard Nixon as a 22-year old. What is it with these people?

Trump tried it when he was President, and Speaker Pelosi schooled him on what happens when you try a government shutdown for political reasons. He lost that time, bigly.

He’s only calling for it now because he’s desperate, willing to throw any plate of spaghetti on the wall to see if it sticks and helps him get elected.


On the ‘Do not toast’ list, eh?


It would be a tie if the idiot in the House wasn’t speaker.


Two heartbeats from being President. Think about that for a moment. Then have a drink and try to forget it.


Of course Real ID is a Republican thing. Post 9/11 there were calls for National ID cards. The GOP said “Federal Government Over Reach.”

Instead “We will force the States to do it.”


I can remember having to show my birth certificate to renew my driver’s license here in Missouri a number years past (where I had renewed without a birth certificate for decades). They didn’t ask to see it again after that.

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And bring your real Birth Certificate, not the cute one with your footprints.

Stood in line behind some idiot at the DMV with the cute Birth Certificate, which the DMV would not accept. Anyone who has had a Little Leaguer knows what a real Birth Certificate is.

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