House Democrats’ Twitter Account Pounces On AOC’s Chief Of Staff

Meh. Nothing bad will, either.

If “moderate” carpetbaggers are being criticized by AOC, it’s hardly something that’s going to hurt them next election-- hell, they’ll probably be running ads bragging that they’re so damned moderate that AOC has a contract out on their head.

And please do note that the shots aren’t being fired from just one direction. Takes two to tango, and, like just this article points out, the other side is quite guilty as well.

“Keep her name out of your mouth”??? What in the heavens of being on their 6th shot of the evening chased by a couple of cocktails made the poster think that was a good or professional tweet?


A classic instance of neoliberal use of ethnic politics to distract from enabling racist politics. As American as apple pie.

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Say Wha?!? The warrior princess silver hair ain’t real? You’re breaking my heart here.


Serious question. Can you define neoliberal for us without resorting to circular logic? I have no idea what you mean by this in this context.


Well I chose it cause it is close.


We’ll, you and I do have that in common (although admittedly, mine is an older photo, from my days in the theatre…)


The screen shot from AOC’s chief of staff is from June. It is July 13. Pelosi met with her members this week. Why the House Dems twitter responded after Pelosi told them all to cease and desist is beyond me. Pelosi told them to come to her with their grievances.


Bless your little heart.


Through Rain and Wind and Weather
Brain Like a Feather


Here we go again…

Criticizing a politician for political positions is protected political speech. It doesn’t matter if the politician happens to be a vagina-American. It. Is. Protected. Political. Speech.

I just love how women want to be equal in all things right up to the point at which they want to be treated better than everyone else on the damn planet.

Grow up. Get over it! All criticism is not as a result of sexism or misogyny.

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Except Chakrabarti is a rather unique “associate” who, arguably, is his boss’ boss.
Let me find the link to the article in the WaPo Magazine yesterday. Chakrabarti is a former Silicon Valley or App designer. He is the founder of Justice Democrats, which is a group who recruited AOC and other members of “The Squad” from a pre-selected cohort of Bernie Sanders supporters in the last Presidential election and supported their respective runs in their congressional districts’ Democratic Primaries.

Charkabarti is described in the WaPo Magazine article as AOC’s Chief of Staff who is also the “director of her Movement.”

The votes against the Federal Budget, if it includes funding for ICE is apparently their new litmus test for whether or not a particular Democrat is sufficiently PC. And this was the second such Tweet by Chakrabarti this week, comparing Mainstream Democrats with whatever he means as “Southern Democrats.” I will post another reply with the WaPo Magazine story link when I find it but it was from yesterday morning.


Actually this is apparently what is going on (ht to causeforconcern)

They are taking out on the progressive caucus


Nancy’s said she’s open to hearing complaints privately… And now Jeffries has said to cut the public crap…



Oh, no need, I read that article.

I do like that he’s bringing jeans and the casual look into the House. This whole suit and tie bit gets a bit old.

I have no problem with calling out the carpetbaggers in our party. Why do they get to control messaging instead of the heart of the party which is liberalism?

We’re not supposed to be 1980’s Republicans (which is what the party basically has become, pulled over by all the blue-dogs).


Hakeem Jeffries is top-o-the-list to replace Pelosi as Speaker when the time comes.

Works for me—he’s whip-smart and plays a long game.


This nonsense makes me ill.


Then why, oh why, was the House Democrats account attacking AOC’s guy yesterday evening for a tweet from 27 June…


strident intolerant politics is on a par with intolerant dogmatic religious movements…

these factions that are intensely hostile toward any - even the slightest - deviation from the gospel as they interpret it … are doomed to perish in the fires of their rites of purification.


the only significant thing about this latest attack on the real progressives (as opposed to Pelosi lapdogs) is that it emanates directly from the very top of the Democratic leadership – this twitter account is controlled from the very top of the party.

Supposedly, Dems are not supposed to be attacking each other – EXCEPT when Pelosi herself does it.

The hypocrisy would be astonishing, were it not for the fact that Pelosi has been playing dog whistle politics by targetting the most visible (i.e. women of color) of her critics, while giving the white men who (like Moulton and Ryan) who criticize her a pass.

Counterproductive tweet. Why not try this one? Relevant and new.