House Democrats’ Twitter Account Pounces On AOC’s Chief Of Staff

Trolling, trolling, trolling,
Keep those Russkies trolling !


Says the person whose own moniker is pshah.

That’s not what bothers me. Its the circular firing squad for public airing of grievances that rubs me the wrong way, no matter who is doing it. These people need to quit preening and posturing for public consumption and work out their problems among themselves. A lot of what’s happening is only in part about policy…the rest is about various people getting their fee-fees hurt and a lot of interpersonal defensiveness that is triggered by those perceived slights. Its forcing people to take sides on an interpersonal level which imo is not good for the Democratic party if we are to win in the next election in places all around the country in races that will be a lot closer than is comfortable. Wait until the Russians start playing on those divides. The Democratic party needs to be smarter about this if they don’t want to be played by foreign influences that will make these divides a lot worse than they already appear. I don’t think a kumbaya moment is the only answer; Just some level of maturity to take their angry arguments away from the kids, who listen with their ears up against the walls. The Democratic party is in desperate need to assure themselves everything will still be alright with all these intramural fights. In the meantime though, damage is being done within the party with all this shit. Since I like both AOC and Pelosi, and I don’t want to be forced to pick a side, this bothers me a lot and I wish it would just stop.


Who are you implying are racists?

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Basically this battle is a continuation of a strange struggle between the Justice D’s and established Democrats.

There are likely more upcoming battles, but its a year until 2020 house elections, and that’s the upside.



So you’ve missed all of them, including now their official account, stabbing her and her associates in the back.

There is more than one guilty party here. Including all the guilty parties who voted to give a blank check to CBP to do whatever the fuck they want to (probably bonus checks for everyone in the “most people per square feet” contest they’ve been running).


Am I the only person here who uses their real name and photo?


I’ll come clean…At least I use my own real initials.


It seemed to me that Chakrabarti’s worldview is founded on his utter certainty not just that the progressive vision is good for America — but that it is what most Americans actually want. Yet what if he is wrong?

After the calls, I asked him what happens if the polling shows the centrists are correct — that these ideas are too much, too fast, for most folks. “I don’t want it to be false propaganda,” he said. “So if it turns out that our hypothesis is wrong, that just means we need a different strategy. … If the answer is no, then I think the strategy would be: Okay, how do we reach the people in their district in a different way to present the ideas and try to persuade people that these are good ideas.” He paused for a long moment and then added drolly: “And, you know, if after everything, it turns out we’re just totally wrong, then hopefully I’ve been convinced of the error of my ways.”

He needs to stop attacking other dems. Nothing good will come of that, as one can see the battle lines already being drawn.




I like AOC too, but her COS is either an extension of her, or trying to latch on to her position and notoriety for his own gain. If she wants to move along her districts agenda she can better manage her staff. My own growth in being a manager was when to get a rolling pin out and use it.


You’re kidding, right?

Some staffer of a freshman congresswoman calls another new member a racist, even after Pelosi warns that this kind of nonsense must stop, and you believe Dem Leadership ought not respond.

It’s called Party Discipline… I’m with AOC about issues… But if she can’t control her Chief of Staff, I’m all for Nancy doing what her daughter says she’s capable of doing…

“She’ll cut your head off and you won’t even know you’re bleeding,” filmmaker Alexandra Pelosi says about her mother…


And as we write:

Northwest Detention Center is a private “prison” for immigrants.


The Never Trumpers say they didn’t leave the Republican Party, the Republican Party left them. I feel the same way about the Democratic Party under Pelosi. When she decided that Trump’s actions weren’t worthy of impeachment then I felt like the Party left me.

Maybe you are okay with putting kids in concentration camps. Maybe you are okay with Trump’s lawlessness. Maybe you are okay with rapists in the White House and the Supreme Court. Maybe you are okay with Putin interfering in our elections. Nancy Pelosi seems to be okay with those things. I am not okay with them. If that makes me a radical then I guess I’m a radical.


When you employ internet trolls as COS, this is what you get
Flame throwers are going to be flame throwers. AOC is smart and articulate, she can use it to her advantage or she can just become another gadfly, large Twitter following but not much real power. Her decision.


I like your approach. Works good on making pie too. A two-fer.

I’m gonna go out now and water my weeds. I’ve already had my fill this morning. Wil check out whatever clusterfuck happens later today. Has the Orange One tweeted yet? If not, that’ll be next stoking the flames, I’m sure.

tRump’s Flying Monkeys are coming this wkend too…


I thought that was an old Nicholas Cage photo-


I like her a lot overall, but she talks loudly and her stick is insufficient for the purpose.


You don’t.

I do - the photo isn’t but the name is real.


She has made no such decision.

What a galactically stupid set of straw man arguments. You really are just trolling.


The commenting system dropped a few words, fixed it for yah…