Hitting the Weak Points: What To Expect from Trump’s Defense

TSF MAY have wanted to testify, but since he’s an uncontrollable mess, it wouldn’t surprise me if his attorneys threatened to walk if he took the stand. The prosecutors would be able to dissect every lie he uttered on the stand.


The Strumpets


Let’s also say that the word FAKE painted across their boobs is the closest to the truth they’ll ever be.


No, TSF dumped into the swamp several invasive species, wiping out the natural fauna. Sorta like the Burmese pythons infesting the Everglades.


I think that he was just lying when he said that he wanted to testify. He always knew that he wasn’t going to take the stand.


for the win!


Seems legit.

Eby’s lawsuit is against the Board of Curators of the University of Missouri, who hold the license for St. Louis Public Radio. The legal defense of sovereign immunity originates with the university lawyers.

The legal filings do not cite a case where a public broadcasting network affiliated with a state has won a claim to sovereign immunity in a defamation case. A LexisNexis search by Gateway Journalism Review found no decisions where a federal or state court had recognized this government immunity from a defamation suit for a public broadcaster with a government affiliation.

Sovereign immunity is a doctrine from English law to protect the king and government from lawsuits. Former president Donald Trump builds on this doctrine in claiming absolute immunity for presidential acts. Police officers and other government officials also receive qualified immunity from many civil rights suits.

But, until now, no public broadcasting operation has won such a claim. In fact they have run away from government entanglements.


Omg. Good one.


Ah yes, I remember it well.


Right! In particular, I hope the argument that we’re all New Yorkers here (wink, wink) and we know this is how it works is particularly offensive to this particular jury.

Then again, having visited NYC just once, back when the World Trade Center was still standing, what do I know?


"They were Sucker’s and Losers!" ~ Donald Trump, regarding our fallen heroes of WWII and Vietnam


They just keep getting goaded or persuaded (or convince themselves) into increasing debasement.
We’ve documented it before, like putting out cigarettes or crushing beer cans on their foreheads.
I guess, where else do you have to go once you’ve sworn undying loyalty to such a pathetic bag of shit. Double Down!



He doesn’t know why Memorial Day is set aside to honor those who gave their lives so that he can exercise his first amendment right to be a disgusting asshole.

, gave me NO JURY

The lack of a jury was due to Alina Habba neglecting to request one. He lies.


Re: the Defendant’s memorial day xit.

It coulda been worse. Had anyone told him that “Memorial Day” was originally to “memorialize” and honor the soldiers who had died in battle, we’d have been treated to a diatribe about those “losers” who couldn’t even manage to survive, can you imagine that? All they got for being suckers was a cheap government-issued cross, along with a million other losers!

Now, give me Veterans Day! he might have continued. That one is for the guys who made it. They lived to get those sweet GI benefits, could parlay their service into media contracts or even politics.

Let’s spare ourselves how he might rant on and on about his own “service” when his dad, unable to control him, shipped him off to military school, where he learned to use his size for greater bullying effect. Some things are best left unimagined.


As you have said, they do know it, and the MAJORITY of our current armed service members DO NOT SUPPORT TRUMP.

A recent Military Times poll found support for President Donald Trump by active-duty service members waning as a majority expressed a preference for former Vice President Joe Biden ahead of the 2020 election.

According to a survey of 1,018 active-duty soldiers who submitted responses between late July and early August, 42% said they “strongly disapprove of the last 4 years with Trump at the helm.

And this, reported in a 2024 FOX Media source. The opinion is not getting any better for Trump in 2024.


Rich relations give crusts of bread and such
You can help yourself, but don’t take too much



From my dad, who passed away one year ago last October.


It’s all fucking vaporware man.

These dolts don’t have a clue.

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It’s also a convenient tie-in to his whining about the gag order. “I want to testify but I can’t because of the gag order.” The gag order is unrelated to his right to testify under oath in his trial, but the MAGAt rubes will still buy it.