High Profile DOJ Alum Push Back At Barr’s Flynn Shenanigans | Talking Points Memo

No, they should be collecting and preserving evidence. Our next AG - hopefully someone like Adam Schiff or Kamala Harris, will need it.
I sure hope Joe doesn’t pull that “look ahead” crap. If republicans don’t pay a heavy price for their crimes in office, the next bunch will pull the same shit.


Wow, this picture reminds me of someone!


Maybe Sullivan can shine a light on this shit.


Barr is not attorney general. He’s Trump’s personal attorney who is on the public dime. If one looks at him in this way, it reveals exactly who he is.


They are crooks and their rejoinder EVERY SINGLE TIME they are called out is ‘I do what I want!’ Both Barr and Donnie. We will NOT ‘forgive’ them after the next election.


Well, this should hit a bunch of MAGAts.

As long as bleeding-heart liberals don’t bail them out down the road when they run out of cash and start starving and lose their homes, I’m good with this.


Its certainly within his power, but to what end?

He can bring in the DoJ to explain their dramatic shift, and deal with months of legal maneuvering over it, and then sentence Flynn to jail for 6 months (or longer, but 6 months was the most requested by the Mueller team in the original deal), simply to have Trump issue a pardon anyway.

Because Trump IS going to issue a pardon if Flynn gets sentenced in any way. Dragging it out in an attempt to hold an unaccountable Barr accountable, will only serve to let the Trump team raise Flynn to even higher levels of martyrdom.


Dragging it out in an attempt to hold an unaccountable Barr accountable, will only serve to let the Trump team raise Flynn to even higher levels of martyrdom.

Or it could keep the blatant corruption of Barr and trump in the news in the run up to the election.


They could work it in to reverse mortgage packages. Have Tom Sellick sell them.


The Court has to play it straight. That is the only way the system works. Anticipating its own futility is not how an institution preserves itself and its norms. If Trump wants to pardon Flynn, that’s on him.

That is the error the Dems have made in the House. “What’s the point of insisting on oversight, we have an election coming up/it will cost us politically/etc.”


Double edged sword.

OUR side sees it as blatant corruption, THEIR side already sees Flynn as a martyr. Which side gets animated the most is a flip of the coin, imo.

And I seriously doubt Judge Sullivan will be taking the political considerations of how to help or hurt one campaign or the other into consideration.

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I think we out number their side. I get the feeling Sullivan is aware of just how corrupt this move is and hope that his leeway in making a decision would influence that decision, but, yeah, a good judge stays clear of politics, even though this is all about politics.


He’s probably receiving death threats and blackmail already.


I expect him to deny it. The problem is he has a guilty plea in place. To not sentence him, he has to allow Flynn to withdraw the guilty plea. I see no basis in the law for him to allow it. So he sentences Flynn and the appeals begin.

Sullivan isn’t typically a pushover. We’ll see.


The problem is that there is no way to then fight internally. Barr stocks the place with toadies and criminal prosecutions run amuck. At least right now, it’s forced into the daylight. It makes it a little harder to pull the trigger.



Plus in this case he has no respect for Flynn – which maybe should not enter into it …


I tried something similar over the weekend - I tried to convince some pigs in a local sty to clean up their act. Unfortunately, even the ones that resembled Barr ignored me.


… and then there’s this …
“I had to fire General Flynn because he lied to the Vice President and the FBI. He has pled guilty to those lies". ~ Trump Tweet December 2. 2017


And I think Barr expects that. The point of his exercise was less to influence the judge, and more to soften the political landscape for Trump’s pardon of Flynn after the sentencing. That has been accomplished.

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