High Profile DOJ Alum Push Back At Barr’s Flynn Shenanigans | Talking Points Memo

Barr is unprofessional, unethical, corrupt, and , now what’s that word? Right on the tip of my tongue… Oh, yeah! DEPLORABLE!


In other words, a top-notch Republican.


1 / When history is written by the winners, it will say that Barr perverted justice to serve a white-collar criminal and Russian stooge.
2 / It will properly identify Barr as an Opus Dei Fascist.
3 / The legal community must disbar Barr in the same way it did Bill Clinton. What are they waiting for?


Yes I read your comment.

My point is that the prosecution is done - we’re in the sentencing phase, there is no forcing DOJ to prosecute anything.

If he rejects the motion then DOJ will be forced to wait for sentencing.

You might know - are there any consequences to filing a document with a court in which you’re not admitted using another atty’s Bar ID?


Beutler has been on that for the past several days. His point is less about what Sullivan will/can do, and much more about his belief that Barr is about to launch into a full on DoJ attack on Trump enemies, and more specifically, people in the Obama administration.

I don’t think he is entirely wrong, either. It seems pretty clear that Trump has given up entirely on dealing with the pandemic, but knows its hurting him badly. So, in typical Trump fashion, he is wanting to attack perceived enemies as a distraction…not only for the press and voters, but to soothe his damaged ego.


What the event also clearly shows that if Russia gets intel on you, they will blackmail you and work to destroy America - which is why it’s important to root out these criminals from the system. Look how well the president has done Putin’s bidding against the better good of the country.
This is a question that will never be asked by ABC, CBS, or NBC news.


I look at it more that he’s been an abject failure. Sure, he’s done some damage, but he’s not been able to lift sanctions, NATO’s still around, we’re still defending Eastern Europe, we’re still in Syria…


On one hand, making Flynn the issue is a political mistake. He is a rallying point for Trump’s base. I’m not even sure release of transcripts where he is selling US foreign policy to Kislyak would make an impression. Flynn is a spot of good news among the Trumpers, and they aren’t letting go.

OTOH, dems need to attack Barr relentlessly. This is by far not the last trick up his sleeve. He needs to be put on the defensive or he’ll have too much room to pull more consequential shit.


and @c_stedman - that was my first thought. Get Mary McCord on the stand to enter her complaint about misquoting and misattribution on the record.

OK, so anybody know if prosecuting him again would constitute double jeopardy? Weren’t other charges set on the back burner, like the one about his false filing about lobbying for Turkey? What about going after his punk son. Yeah, I know investigators would probably have to get the AG’s sign off so that isn’t likely. And what about background investigators rejecting Flynn’s security clearance if anyone does invite him back to the cesspool party?

If all else fails, and I expect it to, at least Sullivan’s accusation of treason at the original sentencing hearing has to run through Flynn’s head when he lies awake at 2 a.m. Now he’s got a chance to rip Flynn and Barr a new one.


Meh - we’ve alienated every traditional ally. We’re about to free a criminal who worked with Turkey to try and kidnap a political dissident. We shipped equipment to Russia at the start of the pandemic and we’ve done nothing to make Vlad mad except not nuke France.



Still, those are relatively minor “wins”.

Putin helped trump win in exchange for one significant thing: Removal of sanctions.

Trump’s failed in that (sure, managed to give a few oligarchs a payoff, but that doesn’t translate over).

And he’s alienated allies, but that’s just a temporary thing, as long as he’s out in November, we’re all good.


…and over and over again…people that actually WORKED on the case are fired and/or resigned and incompetent morons are put in their place. If THEY don’t ‘adhere’ to the status quo that Donnie and Barr are pushing then … rinse, repeat, over and over.


That’s true, if he rejects it outright.


The department is saying that it was a mere “clerical oversight.”

The judge may require that it be fixed; which it can be without much ado.

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Just as most Faux dotardian talking points are intended for an audience of one so too McCord and Kravitz are speaking to Judge Sullivan. As well as educating those who read NYT and WaPo to the disingenuous filing of the bastard Atty. Gen…


This is Jared’s plan. His portfolio now includes an overhaul of social security and medicare. If it is buying out people’s social security, they will be surprised at how little the amount actually is.


Yeah it is. He pleaded guilty which means no more proof is required. The case is proved by the plea - that’s how guilty pleas work.


Doesn’t a pardon require admitting guilt? That would be the second time down that road.


Such a plan required legislative action.
If any of them believes Pelosi will allow such trash to come to a vote in the House, they’re more deranged than I believed possible.


I think it’s time to start ignoring Donnie’s base and focus on the 40-something percent who didn’t vote last Presidential election. Donnie’s base is no larger than it was, so if we can motivate even a small percentage of the “Apathetic Americans”, and they turn out to vote against Donnie and the Deplorables, it all dries up and blows away.

So, let’s spread the word that they’re telling you to let grandma and grandpa die (and let you die, if that’s what it takes), along with the 80,000 and counting who’ve already paid the ultimate price for the incompetence. Point out repeatedly that unemployment is on its way past 30 percent. Tell them that Donnie is now talking of getting rid of your Social Security! Just hammer them with the incompetence and the malevolence repeatedly. We don’t have to be nice about it any more.

And if this doesn’t motivate folks to get off their butts, well then I’ll meet you in upstate Vermont and show you some of the best places to smuggle yourself across the border into Canada and hold a reservation for you at our new American Refugee Bed & Breakfast my wife and I are planning to set up in Quebec. French lessons optional, bring non-US currency or goods to barter!


President idiot plans to run on his treason. That’s pretty clear. He and corrupt toady Barr are busily working to turn the investigation into the scandal rather than president idiot’s criminal betrayals of the country. They are now openly talking about bringing Flynn back, and working to gin up even more corrupt investigations of political opponents. It will be this election’s Benghazi. And unfortunately I expect most of the media to help them.