GOP Senator Hits Back At Fauci With ‘FAUCI Act’ For Hot Mic ‘Moron’ Remark | Talking Points Memo

True. Even living in Mississippi wouldn’t be as sucky.


I think you’re glossing over the part where either the DL# of SS# isn’t on a file available to the the election board.
Now just desserts would be to have all these fine older folks contact the TX state legislator(s) who proposed the change. Make their phones ring-a-dingle-a-ling 12 hours a day.


NY needs to padlock Trump Tower so he can’t move back in.


Drumpf actually underperformed in mail ballots here in Dallas in 2020 by about 5 points below his overall (shitty) result. In 2016, he overperformed on the mail ballots by about 10 points over his overall (shitty) result. The obvious difference is that more of his voters listened to Donnie’s dumb mail-ballot grievances in 2020, while more Dems took advantage of mail-in voting so as to avoid covid.

Overall, mail-in voting doubled between 2016 and 2020, but it still only added up to 8.5 percent of total ballots cast in Dallas County. 79% of voters did it via early in-person voting. Trump overperformed on Election Day by about 4%.


RICO and repo, I say.


Money laundering…

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Maybe Marshall would be better off passing a FOIA act for morons? We can call it the Marshall Plan - to save morons everywhere.


I’m wonder if any of these yahoos who complain about not knowing what is in the vaccine go to botox parties? Or know what is in the hair dye that they use?


And of course, the big tell we are all waiting for is which party’s first time voters will remain engaged.

I believe the Ds have a better likelihood of getting theirs to come out compared tot he Rs whose first timers were Trumpers first and foremost; they will have no appetite for midterms where Trump isn’t on the ballot.


They’re spoiling for a fight and they’re going to get one but it won’t end like they think it will. I’m sick of this terroristic threatening from these fuckers. How is this shit even allowed?


When the Bill hits the floor, the Democrats should amend it to include ALL candidates for Federal Office and also ALL their donors.


Holy shit!

Satellite images suggest some outlying islands have been completely submerged by seawater.

Experts say the eruption of the Hunga-Tonga-Hunga-Ha’apai volcano is one of the most violent in the region in decades.


Exactly. Fauci has become the new Hillary or Nancy in right wing circles. Poor has done nothing to warrant this. He is, however, drawing incoming fire that might otherwise be directed at Biden. Not that they’re not attacking him too, but I suspect, they can’t make their base hate Joe the way they could with Obama or Hillary. Gee…wonder why?


Wait a minute. Marshall can be sued for this, can’t he? This is not a statement made in the Senate, but in the public domaine, is it not?



Like all GOP frauds and bloodsuckers, I’m certain Sen. Roger Marshall is also benefiting from “Unique Compensation” from the US government!

Why not investigate any PPP loans he’s cadged, or Farm Bill Socialist payouts (We need to totally END this wasteful boondoggle ). I’m sure a long list of benefits to the idiotic Senator could shut him up for good. Maybe the Lincoln Project or one of those “Justice” Democrats could get on this!


Let’s start a PAC and give it that name. Use it to go after any politician threatening Dr. Fauci to primary their sorry ass.


FWIW, thanks for the reminder to be grateful for what I do have. I’m a type 1 diabetic who has had one heart attack. Much of my life, I have had this morbid, nagging worry that my body was going to fail me while still relatively young. Indeed, many other diabetics in my cohort have kidney problems or cardio and circulatory issues, if they are still alive. But at the age of 50 something, my body is still in decent shape. This will prolong my life as long as I am able to exercise and work out of doors. We have big gardens, a maple sugar operation, I cut and split all my own firewood, and hike the hills (frequently repairing sap lines in the maple woods). I’m lucky, and won’t take that for granted.


In my personal experience, the quality of teaching by full time professors was about the same 50:50 quality as that provided by adjuncts. There were one or two extraordinarily outstanding teachers in the full-time faculty, but many delivered stale rote drones. Many adjuncts were green but enthusiastic, although most were painfully short on sleep and resources.


For Roger Marshall the truth hurts, it stings, and, like TFG, he has a thin skin and pathetically tries to seek revenge. The result is that he draws attention to the fact that he IS A MORON.


It’s a good thing they’re united on voter suppression and having a knee jerk no to Joe response, otherwise one might worry about their array.