GOP Senator Hits Back At Fauci With ‘FAUCI Act’ For Hot Mic ‘Moron’ Remark | Talking Points Memo

Had a knee replaced in 2012. My spine is a mess from arthritis and polio (as kid) resulting in it being bent. On x-ray one sees a bend sideways and then a sort of “correction” back to center line. It’s called scoliosis. My fingers have knobs. Only age has slowed me down. I used to be an avid hiker and cyclist. I know the Catalina mountains real close.


I stipulate that the following comment adds absolutely no value to the general conversation …
Marshal is right that what Fauci said is wrong …

Marshall isn’t a moron.

He is a fucking moron.

Problem solved.

You’re welcome.


Sad little man child with old fashion glasses.

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Jaysuss. How do you cope? You must be really frustrated.


Travis county went for Biden by around 45 points with less than 70,000 mail in ballots cast. I’d like to see the rejection rate in Red counties to be sure that they are truly and thoroughly shooting themselves in the dick.

If the rejection rate is similar, then abso-fucking-lutely this is glorious.


As an American TaYpayer, myself, I strongly encourage you to do so!! :smirk: :blush: :man_facepalming: :mask:

[BTW, aren’t these the ones usually trying to make English the official language of the US?!?!]

Whenever I need to compare real adults to Republicans (especially those who call themselves “public servants”), I compare them to the Mayor of Warsaw in Sept. 1939, beseeching those Americans still there for FDR to send ships, planes and troops to the rescue.


Yeah! St. Louis County Mo went to paper ballots. I believe most of MO’s red counties have not.

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Thanks. Dan Froomkin is really good. Used to be with WaPo at one time.


Sure - knock yourself out.

Personally I’d rather be insulted by someone who knows what he’s talking about rather than, say, the valet parking guy at a restaurant. However when you’re a moron, chances are you are going to hear about it from more than one direction.


I think it’s because he never supported any if trumps supposed “cures” and he never kowtowed to the trump line of acceptable thought. trump had no direct authority over Fauci and so could not fire him. If he had then there would’ve been a major firestorm from us in the science/medical community and trump would’ve been in serious trouble not just from that group but the LGBTQ folks as well. It woulda got really ugly.


I wonder if it’s his staff? Sort of passive aggressive at play here.


Yeah he used to cover W’s White House. He is good.


Well, the Press is into accountability. Except it’s 100% accountability for Democrats and 0% for Republicans.


I think they know that their whole lives are built on bullshit, what they can’t stomach is that they haven’t been as well paid for their bullshit as they think they owed.


Pain every goddamned day wears on ya. I take meds for it under medical supervision. But the state likes to play doctor on how much is appropriate. I do stuff for a time then I have to sit and let things subside a bit. If I bend over for a time, like pulling weeds in the yard… which is what I am up to today … I pay for it. But I keep moving. The alternative sucks. When folk ask how I* am doing I like to say “I’m vertical” even if sitting. Horizontal and 6 feet down being the alternative.


Hey, they only upgraded to those from telegraph keys a few years ago!?!

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Books (paper and ink… it used to be all the rage) ya know… they got actual words in 'em I hear…


Yes, it goes right back to that. The collective memory of the MAGA Borg, allmost like an immune response left over from when TFG was constantly contradicting Fauci and becoming more and more enraged by Fauci’s stalwart message discipline. The message did change, as the concensus did, but never to assuage TFG’s rage.