GOP Senator Hits Back At Fauci With ‘FAUCI Act’ For Hot Mic ‘Moron’ Remark | Talking Points Memo

I’m pretty sure Dr. Fauci appears before Congress on a regular basis and you can ask him any question you want, like your moron Senate colleagues. You don’t need to be in the majority.

It’s nauseating how when they talk about regaining the majority, it’s never about what they plan to do to help the American people. It’s strictly about revenge for them.


This! Whilst busy musing over the fascist GQP, we’ve just seen, from afar, one of the biggest volcanic explosions ever observed by our accurate-news-starved race of goof balls. The tsunami affected the entire Pacific basin. And narry a dash of sentient amazement. Holy shit cubed.

Honestly, given the nature of the asinine, willful, overblown hyperbole of the press ($$$) in its overall following and interpreting our news, we are flying into man made disaster with the blessing of the natural world.

It’s truly dumber than dirt. Just like a bunch of nine year olds accusing one another of doing what the last punk did.


“Except it’s 100% accountability for Democrats”

Then: This is the West, sir. When the legend becomes fact … print the legend. (The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance)

Now: This is America in the time of Trumpian disinformation, sir. When the Gd-damned, utterly lacking in nuance, designed-to-divide-rather-than-inform, bright-shiny-object-over-here, both-sides-do-it journalism sells advertising space and keeps us competitive … print the Gd-damned, utterly lacking in nuance, designed-to-divide-rather-than-inform, bright-shiny-object-over-here both-sides-do-it journalism


Fuck your feelings, Senator Marshall. Stop acting like a moron and we’ll stop referring to you as one.


Absolutely correct. Most all of our adjuncts were excellent. But because they were part time, only a few had office space and/or office hours (determined by department). Since they were so poorly paid, they rarely had extra time on campus to spend with students (or even mentoring faculty) because they had to move on to the next part time job.


In other news from Canuckistan, there are some strong indicators that Omicron is cresting in the Nation’s Capital. Hospitalizations and ICU admissions have stabilized over the last six days.

This is significant because Ottawa was the first city to see delta wiped-out by omicron in mid December. If the numbers continue to improve this week, it would portend good news to any locality with high vaccination rates; implying that omicron will decline within a 4 to 6 week window.


How do you read all these threats on Dr. Fauci?

Won’t that make them invisible?


Like I always say: “keep going.” :pray:t3:

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I think I told you that my sister lives there, near the banks of the Rideau. My niece is immune compromised, so this is really good news.


Here’s one person’s perspective on Trump’s speech last night. Calls it tired and dull. He needs new material and a fresh outrage.


Biden should double his salary just for fun.


I wish the best for you. You really do know the secret to a good life. I honor that! :pray:t3: But go easy on the maple syrup… :maple_leaf:

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New York doing well also.

Perhaps because there’s a higher level of full vaccination. Here in AZ, vaccination rates are not nearly so good, 58% fully vaccinated as opposed to 73% for NY, and I expect (speculate) that Omicron will plateau here for a while before declining.


I am hopeful more of our first-timers will stick around, but there were plenty of people who voted Biden in 2020 purely to get rid of Trump. With that existential need sated, they may well go back to nonparticipation. I’m kind of expecting a reversion to the 2018 mean, which was a pretty good year for Team Blue.


Biden should pay him more for each unvaccinated person. Now that would confuse the hell out of them.


No, they’re just funding it with donated money from boosters, much like many other schools rely on.

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Didn’t last time: Trump lost fair and square by some 7 million votes.

Of course, if Trump had been able to cheat over some 80,000 strategically located votes he would have been installed. Trump damn well tried and Sen. Cassidy knows this.

So has Cassidy lifted a finger to stop this?

Why no, no he hasn’t.


Yeah that’s very true. One threat after another.

And Fauci does appear all the time, else how would Rand Paul get so many stupid shots at him?


Vaccination rate for Ottawa and surrounding areas.