Gaetz Implodes In Surreal Tucker Carlson Appearance | Talking Points Memo

Ooh… so close. Gaetz is just 14 years above that 24 year threshold.

(Possibly equal to the age of his paramour?)


This is almost as good of news as the pandemic one day ending! Thanks Matt for being a self-destructive man child. Sorry for his victim(s).


A man wearing a cap indoors is a definite tell as to his manners. It’s just not done by proper people. Period. There are no sun, rain, wind or bugs a man’s head needs protection from sitting in a nice restaurant. And we don’t care what team you support, or what other message it is you might be trying to convey. Toss the miscreant.


If a gentleman arrives at the fanciest restaurant in this county not wearing a gimme cap, the staff will loan him one.

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Speaking of disgusting people, you can’t make this up the guy that beat a 65 year-old woman in NY was on parole for killing his mother. I guess we can all agree that this guy has a serious case of misogyny.


I won’t set foot in a restaurant unless reservations are required, and they’re damned hard to come by at that. Several places we dine are booked weeks in advance.

Ironically, the birth place of the ‘Post It’ is just down the road from my town.

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Yeah. I watched the 52 second video without the sound. Tuck’s face musta started hurting.


I was going to make that point myself. If a child is too young to consent to sex, they cannot consent to have sex for money.

IIRC, Epstein’s super lenient Florida plea deal was for prostitution, rather than raping a child (which is what he did)


Bc there is one.
See latest updates on G. Max.

Deep Throat

Or the classic: I never borrowed the pot, is was broken when I got it, and in perfect condition when I returned it.


Racists gonna racist.

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Not yet, although it’s my understanding that this is planned for later in the year. I officially retired at the start of this month, but am basically staying on as a volunteer through the summer to get the project to at least the start of the Fall term. If you’re hacker-inclined and want to start something before then, I’d be happy to point to some related projects as there are components of this already out there and I’ve identified various open source software packages that are useful. Just PM me if you’d like more info as I’m not sure this is relevant enough to Matt Gaetz so want to keep the Thread police at bay! :policeman: :policewoman:

Very much interested. You have a private account so I’m not sure how to dm you.

Oops. Not sure when I set that, but I’ve unhidden myself…





Nut Tucker be like…

tenor - 2021-03-31T100057.822

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The constantly bewildered look serves Tucker well, although I doubt his wife appreciates it.

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