Gaetz Implodes In Surreal Tucker Carlson Appearance | Talking Points Memo

… and " it was not prostitution… I gave her gifts out of the kindness of my heart … and the sex was consensual!"


Gaetz denied that she existed or was underage…

"This ‘supposed’ woman never even existed! And, if she did, she certainly was not under age."


Gaetz very recently floated a move to Alabama to run for retiring Senator Shelby’s seat in 2022. Could there also be some internecine rat-fucking at play?


When does a man card a woman? Back in the early 70’s a woman came to a party at my apartment. Extremely mature, worldly, intelligent. Arrived in her own car, talked about her job, etc. Ended up staying 3 weeks. One day she leaves in a panic. Says she’s in hot water, her brother has contacted her and she’s in trouble for not being in school the last three weeks. WTF is this I think? Turns out she is 17, a high school senior. I quite literally was floored, had no idea. Sounds trite, but I honestly thought she was in her early 20s. Looked, acted and talked every bit the part. Should I have asked to see her ID when she arrived at my party?


Close call, but I would still say that the context makes it opinion.

ETA: In large part because literally most people who employ the word “literally” when making superlative statements have no idea what it actually means.


Gaetz has long been the Republican in Congress Most Likely to Blow Himself Up With a Seamy Scandal (MLBHUWASS).

Gaetz has been the most flamboyantly stupid and excessively privileged Republican in Congress his whole sorry time there (until this last election anyway).

If he were not an excessively privileged white guy he would he would have already done time for DUI/DWI.


Gaetz would be a shoo-in, even with a conviction.

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Nothing I’ve read captures Carlson better than this:

"Carlson maintained his standard bewildered glare"


Hey, Matt the Molester (alleged); some advice-

You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can be used against you in court.


Yours was happenstance. Gaetz’s was not and with him in a position of authority, yes, he should’ve had someone on his staff check this kid out.

He didn’t.

Coincidentally, while the age of consent is 18 in Florida, it is 16 in Alabama, Georgia and South Carolina. I don’t know how much wiggle room Gaetz has-- " transporting women across state lines for immoral purposes "(from the Mann Act) a Federal crime has an unforgiving sound to it. He can only use ‘I didn’t plan this, it just happened’ once, at most.


He frequently looks like he’s crapped his pants.



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Going to be tough for him, given the Tucker interview. He’s not the brightest, flying her to a state where she was of legal consent age and admitting that on tv.

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Am I to understand that, in Florida, it is not a crime for a person 24 years of age or older to engage in sexual activity with a person under 16 years old?

Its still early haha

I found it less curious than hilarious.

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One thing Gaetz has succeeded in accomplishing - he’s identified Carlson as a witness to his felonious behavior.

Imagine the reaction of the Carlson household when the DoJ comes knocking…


May as well give credit where credit is due:

There is no cannibalism in the British navy, absolutely none, and when I say none, I mean there is a certain amount.

Graham Chapman