Gaetz Implodes In Surreal Tucker Carlson Appearance | Talking Points Memo

Don’t forget Trump’s relationship with Jeffrey Epstein. Setting older, powerful men up with underage girls was his thing. Trump must have really appreciated Epstein’s work on behalf of the rich and famous.


As someone up thread noted, I strongly suspect that the 17 year old is going to have a similar build. Flat chested, narrow hips…almost “boyish”

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Newt is a pundit: Al Franken, persona non Grata…what a world…


I don’t think I’ve ever seen a person crumble under their own guilt so quickly before. That it’s Trump’s favorite politician in FL is just icing on the cake and I wouldn’t be surprised if he’s connected in some manner, after all, I doubt much sex-trafficking in FL happens without Trump’s knowledge or help.


Or he’s just being pre-emptive because there are pictures…


I came here to post that :slight_smile:


And this guy gets elected Prez…


The guilty panic when scutinized by the just.


I’m sorry. I have to steal this, there’s really no choice.

I may even go so far as an attribution, but that will depend on my mood and if I can resist the desire to take credt for your timlessly funny response.

Once again, Stealing. Shamelessly.


I did not not have sex with that woman!!

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Gaetz didn’t blame the far left, Socialists, Hillary Clinton, or Hunter Biden which makes me think all of these accusations really happened!


How long before Gaetz comes out with the ‘I didn’t know she was underage’ defense?

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Unfortunately not upsetting enough that he thinks someone being falsely accused of something and being murdered before even getting a chance to prove their innocence is a bad thing, like say in the case of George Floyd.


Quite the opposite, actually. Political speech is the core of the First Amendment, and it receives the greatest protection and deference as a result.

And I have a great example of how context matters. If a Real Housewife throws a drink in another one’s face and declares “You’re a whore!” it is not defamation because it’s just an opinion of the victim’s sex/romantic proclivities. If a Real Housewife goes on Tucker Carlson and accuses another one of being somebody who takes payment in exchange for sex, that’s a statement of fact capable of sustaining a defamation claim (as long as it’s not true, of course).


Cooked goose in the humid morning air has a certain twang to it.


Shakespeare had it right:

“Methinks the Lady Doth Protest Too Much.” and “Hoist with his own Petard” come to mind.

Gaetz is TERRIFIED this will put his pending, highly-paid gig as a loudmouth pundit on Newsmax at risk, not to mention the FEDERAL CHARGES of “transporting minors across state lines for the purpose of Prostitution”, “Soliciting a Minor for Prostitution”, and “SEXUAL ASSAULT of a Minor”.

He is in DEEP, DEEP SHIT if these allegations are true.

It’s quite clear that he was attempting to threaten Carlson with including him in the crimes but Carlson was too stupid to make the connection on air and just had that “Did I just Shit my Pants?” look on his face the whole time.

This is going to get UGLY, FAST.


Not sure why the investigation would be complicated by possible extortion.

I would think that would be an easier trail to backtrack on and uncover more stuff. As in, who would want to extort him and why?

Discovery will be epic.


What if in the same scenario the declaration is, “You’re a whore, and I mean that literally!”?

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Hey TPM, could we stop repeating terms like “child prostitute” except in direct quotes. (See the second to last sentence in this article.) This is child sexual abuse. Rightttt??


I’ll believe this is serious when the House GQP leadership takes Gaetz aside and suggests that his resignation should come sooner rather than later.

I won’t hang by the neck, waiting for this moment.