Gaetz Implodes In Surreal Tucker Carlson Appearance | Talking Points Memo

Somehow Gaetz has been lead mudslinger and shit-flinger during the last 4 years, while he and his family were being swept up in a Bill Barr instigated investigation. Where Bribes, DOJ, FBI, Extortion, Wires, and his family was getting squeezed. Oh, and it had to do with prostitution, under-age girls, and cross-state human trafficking. On second-thoughts…I guess this was all perfectly predictable.


Isn’t it quite obvious that this guy is a rat caught in a trap? You know, the quack like a duck thing?


Gaetz forgot to blame antifa for setting him up.


Obviously she teased me.

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In all probability, his father wearing a wire, was part of a sting operation by the FBI, to bust him and his father for attempting to bribe someone to make it go away.

If that’s the case, some other interesting avenues would probably be opened as well, as $25 million is about the net worth of Daddy Gaetz. And when a guy like that, who happens to oversee the disbursement of the BP settlement funds for the entire Panhandle (called the Triumph Fund down here), can suddenly pony up that type of money, questions get asked.


I think we’re going to see not just weirdness but that he’s a total degenerate, and pervert. Someone else commented that he was in his late 30s when this went down, so that means twice the age of the 17-yr.old. That is sick.

This POS should resign from Congress, NOW.


I have a suspicion that the extortion angle isn’t extortion at all. Its attempted bribery by him and his dad to try and make the investigation go away.


I sense an Epstein connection here somewhere.


But, her emails!!!


Wow, I guess we can expect pictures of him with child prostitutes to be forth coming. Regardless, dating someone half your age? WTF? I remember reading once that as we mature our tastes in the opposite sex matures with us. I guess that would explain what’s going on with Matt, and his fellow travelers, they never matured much passed high school.

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Gaetz is probably losing what was left of his mind. He’s seeing the gold he’d’ve gotten over the next couple of decades just disappear before his eyes.

Newsmax isn’t going to keep him in the public eye. So all the glory his narcissistic self needs is also going to disappear.

I can bet, somehow, the charges on this will disappear. T**** may provide Gaetz with some strategy to avoid the worst of it, given T has so much experience in this realm.

Hell, I can even bet that Gaetz gets his redemption in four or five years, since the GQP really doesn’t care who any of them hang out with or whether it’s paid for or not.


He’s not the only person on the screen accused of having sex with a child.


It’s Six Degrees of Roger Stone.


This is a joke, right? Donald never helped ANYONE with ANYTHING so no, he’ll not be helping Matt and most likely will toss him under the bus at any time now.


My God, I had no idea but just googled “Gaetz Nestor.” This is one sick dude.


It is entirely fair to consider the context in which the allegedly defamatory statement was made. That’s all that is. Tucker did not skate because he’s an inveterate liar. He skated because the statements were opinions, not assertions of fact.


Hahahahahahahahaha… spot-on reference!

Absolutely. Gaetz sounded terrified, vengeful, and either drunk or high.

Genius. And spot-on again.

And a drunk, to hear Floridians tell it.

I’ve said on these boards for years (as have others) that every Trumpista accusation is in fact an admission of guilt. Every. Time.

Yes. Gaetz sounded vengeful and terrified. And Carlson’s “chihuahua puzzled by own fart” face (props to the poster up-thread for that one) also shades into “I think I might be getting raped on TV by this Beavis-headed degenerate” face.

Agreed with Josh on this one. Gaetz is so terrified and angry it’s gotta be something worse.


You can’t and you don’t act anything like Gaetz is acting if your innocent. If I tried to shake you down for something you didn’t do you’d just open a beer and say “bring it on”… If Gaetz had no contact with a minor he would have a presser and demand they prove it. That’s why he brought up the straw man “photos with minor prostitutes” because he can defend against it ( It can’t be proved ) and hopes to obfuscate his guilt with the 17 year old with his innocence in the faux prostitutes thing.

He did it. He will resign in less than a week and FOX won’t touch him nor OAN.


He has zero use for Gaetz, particularly a badly damaged Gaetz. Its actually more likely that the investigation was opened by Barr to collect dirt on him to keep him in line.

This has the potential to break up the very bedrock of politics in this area. Particularly if, as I suspect, his father is on the hook for attempted bribery. Breaking up the Gaetz political machine in the Panhandle would have far reaching consequences. I’ve recently been discussing, for example, how Matt has created a logjam…there are multiple county commissioners who have been eyeing the CD1 seat, but won’t dare run against him. And multiple people eyeing those commission seats in turn, etc, etc. Remove Daddy and Baby Gaetz, and their money and influence, and it becomes a free for all.


Looks like they’re doing it right here: