Election Truthers Are Spilling Sensitive Data Everywhere, And They’re Not Sorry | Talking Points Memo

Agreed. Piss on 'em.


Does a MyPillow plane just have extra-cushiony seats?

Or does it just have extra pillows for your head that add absolutely nothing to - in fact, detract from - your comfort.


The “insecurity of the machines” that they insist exists occurs because they and their collaborators violated their oaths of office and the law to disclose confidential information. So committing a crime demonstrates that there’s something wrong with the system?! I’d say it demonstrates the “insecurity” and criminality of the cheating idiot humans involved.


This seems to be how things fall apart. The know-nothings basically disregard sensible laws about election security while claiming they are the ones trying to protect the rights “of Americans”. Ugh. The law needs to take punishing these scofflaws very, very seriously.


Here in AZ we use paper ballots in person or mail in. I like it.

And in OT news apparently following a mask mandate can get you fired…

The guy follows the rules and got fired. There was a student who spoke saying she didn’t like wearing a mask. *Why is wearing a mask so damned hard? What’s the problem given the alternative?



Can’t happen here!


It’s true. The machine being the GOP-right wing nut job machine, hurdling head over heals to see who can say and do the most outrageous stuff all designed to create doubt and distrust of the nation’s electoral processes. After that has been accomplished, the authoritarians will step in and…

Nothing in the head to begin with.

Mah nishtanah halaileh hazeh?

The long lasting oddity of this is that because of their actions to prove fraud they wouldn’t be able to prosecute fraud if they in fact found it. The custody of the evidence has been so shoddy any lawyer will be able to get the “evidence” thrown out. This isn’t being done with actual prosecution in mind, this is to sway public opinion. More and more I feel like “there’s no there there,” when you start talking about GOP issues. Sure where theres smoke there’s fire, but this is just dry ice and water to make a spooky mist.


If I were more of an asshole, I would try to find some way to monetize their stupidity and gullibility.


Why in merciful blue Heaven would this guy need a plane for his business?


The rich aren’t like u and me


And [all together now]


And I know Discobot will have words with me over that sentence, so let me pre-empt it by saying F-U, Discobot.

And no, I have no interest in what you can do.


So I’ve read postings from others that claim that you can trip up discobot by adding a single line after your single line that looks like an “HTML” command (this is the markup language used to build web pages):

As one example, here’s a “paragraph” command (which tells discobot that you’re starting a new paragraph). It thinks “more to come” and gets distracted, much like a squirrel…

< p >

That is, a ‘<’. a ‘p’ and a ‘>’, all together. It won’t appear in your post (it’s a “meta command”) but will apparently convince discobot you know what you’re doing…


Covid has become their convenient cloaking device. These conservative anti-Americans bray and whine about invented corruption to stoke the rube’s victimization pathology. But when it comes time to produce, they disappear in quarantine or get another covid spell to get out of the news cycle. Mission accomplished. The brain stems of the rubes have been permanently triggered and the lies can sustain themselves without evidence from that point on.

There is no place in our society for these vandals of democracy and we should excise them from the public discourse before our society fails. Imprison all of them who have broken, or are currently breaking any laws, and shame the rest. America’s viability rests on it.


Humans are a lot dumber than you think in general. The same dumb stuff is happening in the UK right now too, and all over Europe.

From an intelligence point of view, if I was an ex-officer who had grabbed 10s of billions of dollars and made myself head of state, it would be worth it to me personally to take, what, a couple of thousand people, pay them minimum wage and turn the self assured West on itself.

One man with money could do it. That is the nature of the information age.


There is a media network in this country that was built by paying churches to keep the rubes scared enough to spot a communist. That network created the Talk Radio industry that is reliant on tax-free church money and now does the same act for the GOP.

They’ve been around for 70 years. All Trump did was free what was a caged voting force. His being rich makes him the American epitome, and all those years on TV playing the powerful white man didn’t hurt.

Regular Americans who had been screaming out for a politician who was not a politician could rest on Trump’s success to prove themselves fulfilled, and a whole cross section of the political spectrum bought that. It tilted the 2016 election for Trump, but barely.

Making the rural paranoid and heavily armed has been a double win for the gun money backed GOP, and a cross-link between the religious right and the NRA. The absolute fact is we’re living in a construct that cannot die while the churches have money.


Yeah right. You get the real goods on a horrible scam about voting problems, corrupt Dems, and Dominion voting machines and you take that information straight to … Mike Lindell’s Cyber Symposium and Discount Pillow Blow-Out Event.

Where, the only thing that was really revealed is there are a lot of people who have committed crimes with the voting data and equipment who play for YOUR TEAM.

Your other string of hits include second-hand twaddle that was juiced up to sound sinister, which not one soul in this country could back up, and was used by Ghoulsie and Powell going 0-60 once contact was made with real professionals and the courts. Even though you turned the country upside down and have gone a long way to destroying it…not one single claim of fraud or Dem malfeasance has even materialized - much less been proven. Not even a semi-coherent narrative has been formed, they haven’t even bothered to write up some half-cocked fictive storyline. Just occasional verbal spasms about space lasers and Jewish mind-chips.

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Read thru, this guy knows what he speaks of

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