Election Truthers Are Spilling Sensitive Data Everywhere, And They’re Not Sorry | Talking Points Memo

This is good


They don’t believe in the LAW. They believe in the rantings and ravings of those that feed their paranoia. They think they are above anyone that disagrees with their warped views.


Generally speaking, I’m a tiny bit more patient than @sniffit, but the longer the DOJ waits, the more risk there is of further criminal actions. It’s not really the DOJ’s place to just sit there and let criminals keep doing what they’re doing, even if they’re stepping on rakes all day long.


I think she has shown a weakness in those machines. Humans like her have access to what’s inside them.

In the end, hopefully after these delusional people go to jail or an asylum, isn’t all this just further indication that we need paper receipts for every vote cast? Machines are only as reliable as the humans running them.



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They are inspecting the system for vulnerabilities to exploit those vulnerabilities in future elections; which may have been their ultimate purpose. Remember that at its core, the GOP never seems to make up baseless allegations that don’t include their own future plans.


That HAPpened to ME once.


The plot thickens. Hope she’s not looking to mypillowguy for legal defense help; he just sold off a plane to raise funds for his own defense.

Did you buy a special toilet from someone who went on to become acting AG?


She did reveal a weakness. But, it was disclosed. Essentially, Dominion doesn’t build their own voting machines. They rebrand HPE or Dell servers (I forget), then reimage them. However, there is system board software called iLO or iDRAC that allows you to access the machine remotely when the OS is inaccessible for some reason.

There are two ways to disable this. (This is literally disclosed in the setup manual.) 1.) you don’t plug an ethernet cable into that port or 2.) the recommendation, disable the iLO/iDRAC in the BIOS.

Dominion is kind of lame for doing this, but if the user follows the directions, it’s removed as a “vulnerability”.

The person who leaked it is obviously an idiot. The “super spy” move of turning the cameras off was pure genius.


Don’t infatalize them. Don’t coddle them. They believe these lies because they want to believe them. Because these lies confirm their own sense of completely unjustified superiority. Every one of these fuckers wants to live under a dictatorship rather than share the nation with people who disagree with.


She gained access through the use of accomplices. Penalties for such a thing should be increased. That might serve as a deterrent. Tampering with surveillance cameras in connection with a federal election should be a felony.

It might also help to appoint individuals who will publicly affirm -via affidavit- that to the best of their knowledge no monitoring equipment was tampered with.

I don’t agree with the need for paper ballots, since that is an additional step that can also -theoretically- be subverted. You can print out a million paper ballots and then hand-count them, or you can query the election machine to see what the totals are. Since both processes depend on the same root information, you will always have the same result.

So that was Putin’s final job for his predictable idiot Trump asset. Release so much sensitive voting data that Putin can play with our elections for years. So that China can play with our elections. So that Iran can play with our elections. So that North Korea can play with our elections.

Talk about winning the long game. While disgusted, I am impressed.

blithering idiots

I’ve got to say I find this write-up utterly confusing. What was leaked and why is it important? You have a picture of a voting machine at the top of the article. Is this the leaked picture? Why is it a big deal to show a picture of a voting machine? I’m really confused here.

Otherwise you’re just another Taliban terrorist. FIFY

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Interesting the Taliban terrorists target Dominion, when, in fact, the only voting machines I’ve seen hacked are ES&S machines, the ones that keep “electing” Taliban terrorists.

The next national election will be stolen – by the GOP.
They’re setting it up as we speak.

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