Donald Trump Bear Hugs Sam Alito At Height Of Flag Flap

Alito had the foresight to have his benefactors make their payments to his wife rather than directly to him.


Yep, I agree.


Yup. I suspect some people think that making sure the debates happen is important enough for Biden to make all sorts of concessions. IMO, since the terms have already been agreed to, Biden loses nothing if DT drops out for any reason. The only valid response to any of DT’s stupid new rule proposals is to say that he’s looking for an excuse not to debate.


Agree. “Democrat” ungrammatically used as an adjective was originally coined by RWNJ AM hate radio, and it seeped into general usage in wingnut world. Some broadcasters laughingly admitted it was because it made it easier to emphasize the RAT part, allowing for more variations on the slur.

OK, I use “MAGAt” a lot, so I guess I’m guilty of the same. But if I were writing an article as a professional journalist, I’d be embarrassed at the grammatical mistake.


Agreed. Except I don’t think he’s polling as well as he claims he is nor do I believe many of the polls. I expect President Biden will win re-election, though not in a cakewalk because we’re just so divided as a nation.


The resemblance is remarkable.



This is really about Elon Musk, isn’t it? In which case, I agree wholeheartedly.


I’m not as worried about current polling as I am that Alito and pals interject take up bad faith voting cases and rule as would be expected.


I thought that even the “holy” view of marriage – the “conjugal” view of “holy matrimony” – requires the “consent” of both parties. The way Alito opposes “the conjugal” view to something he calls “consent-based marriage” is odd, if not downright confusing.

For the record, the Puritans did not consider marriage to be a sacrament. Among them, a marriage – which, of course, required the consent of both parties – was not officiated by a minister but by a justice of the peace or other authorized civil magistrate. Divorce was also a civil matter (until the mid-19th century in most states, divorce was granted by a vote of state legislatures, which eventually transferred that authority to surrogate courts and the like). I’m pretty sure that, when the Constitution was written and adopted, the prevailing view among Americans was that, whatever “holy” aspects might be attached to it by individual couples, from the point of view of the government marriage was a civil institution and required the consent of both parties to it as a (pardon the expression) civil contract. Even when Americans came to give civil legal recognition to religious marriage ceremonies (personally, I prefer the French way), legal divorce remained a purely civil matter.

Even as a very conservative RC, Alito’s distinguishing “conjugal” from “consent-based” is peculiar. From the RC order of marriage, in English (boldface is mine):

The Priest then questions them about their freedom of choice, fidelity to each other, and the acceptance and upbringing of children, and each responds separately.

( Name ) and ( Name ), have you come here to enter into Marriage without coercion, freely and wholeheartedly?
The bridegroom and bride each say: I have.

Are you prepared, as you follow the path of Marriage, to love and honor each other for as long as you both shall live?
The bridegroom and bride each say: I am.

The following question may be omitted if circumstances suggest this, for example, if the couple is advanced in years.

Are you prepared to accept children lovingly from God and to bring them up according to the law of Christ and his Church? [Note: the children are not required to be the biological offspring of the couple.]
The bridegroom and bride each say: I am.


The priest invites them to declare their consent:
Since it is your intention to enter the covenant of Holy Matrimony, join your right hands, and declare your consent before God and his Church.


Why would Kelly take the risk? He knows very well that doing so would draw death threats to himself and his family (if he’s not already being deluged with them). And we know how much the MAGAts like to fantasize about assassination.

I guess he wrote a book so he could cash in on his WH experience, but going on a “trash trump” tour wouldn’t benefit him in any way.


Yes, this. He always wants the game to be rigged in his favor, or he’ll skip it.


I want this man in the WH some day.


“Donald Trump’s character is clear to the world. So the election is not about who Donald Trump is. The question is about who we are”

Jamie Raskin

— Lovable Liberal and his Old English sheepdog (@DougWahl1) May 22, 2024

The result would be a 7-0 decision. Since the overturn of former VA Gov. McDonnell conviction by unanimity and the closing of ranks behind Clarence Thomas also by unanimity, I have no faith in the “liberal” justices in these kind of things either. It is too much to ask from them to do away with their privileges.


they’ll run up the medical bills that they’ll never pay.

Hey, no big deal. Insurer will slap a lien on your house and when you die off, or when you try and sell as you look to your Golden Years, they’ll be 2nd in line with both hands out, just behind Uncle Sam.

Why the need to punish people, keep them treading water, is to control those people. And it’s no longer simply the uneducated lower classes who have to keep scrambling, now it includes everyone out there, every family, simply trying to grab a hold of the elusive American Dream (that died around the time Ronnie Raygun became president). I fortunately lived that dream. People can pooh-pooh populism all they want but if Biden loses, better get the pitchforks out!


I am afraid that we are going to be very disappointed of ourselves.


Biden should show up anyway, and essentially give a speech about his accomplishments, our challenges, and what a raging dickhole trumpf is.


This is exactly how he cowed the entire GOP into being his bitches. He’s done it all his life, and he seems to be successful at twisting their arms until they give in and submit. Then he wins.

It only works with weak, amoral personalities though. This trump challenge to unethically declare allegiance to himself will filter out those types in SCOTUS.


“Justice Alito, what circumstances might argue for your recusal from the J6 cases?”

“Well, if I had been charged and convicted of assaulting Capitol Police Officers and of killing Mike Pence, I’d have to consider it.”


Yep. Between county election boards and state legislatures and election officials cheating for Mango Messiah and Team Unicorn’s predictable tantrums, we’re in for a world of hurt starting in 2025 and ending with our passings. It will NOT be reversible in our lifetimes.


Ray bloody Purchase!!