Donald Trump Bear Hugs Sam Alito At Height Of Flag Flap


Well of course TIFBG would bear hug a judge he knows will find for whatever TIFBG wants. Under a TIFBG administration, Alito will be named CJ when Roberts is booted for not being obsequious enough to the whims and wants of TIFBG.

Everyone tapes Donald Trump.


The twists the MAGA mind engages so fluently are beyond infuriating. Ok, so there are individual rights for me (and mine) but not for thee. But then there’s the fluid definition of who’s an individual… us vs them. Them are a vast unwashed, dehumanized herd (of women; or racialized people; or immigrants (documented or undocumented, generations not identified, distinctions not required); or LGBTQ+) to whom rights do not apply because they are not people… they are a herd. And the MAGATs are oblivious (they would have you believe) to the intellectual dishonesty of the whole enterprise.


Lets hear the tape then…


“…corrupt conservative-supermajority Supreme Court that Trump helped to create…”
Don’t let Moscow Mitch get off scot free, he is the one who gave Trump the names of the worst of the worst. Remember George W. Bush, another appointed President, appointed Alito!


This is long, but a great read. The author would not be surprised if the tapes have been ‘lost’ forever.


WaPo has another female satirist who took a crack at the Alitos last week (free archived link)…

What The Flag Your Supreme Court Justice Is Flying Means


Flag of Virginia: The justice wants an excuse to fly a visible breast over his house.


Raskin’s do rag was dope but
I always thought that Raskin would look even better in a powdered wig.

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A lot of people have been making this point recently, and it finally broke through for me. I have been asking myself for 9 years how anyone could take this guy seriously, quickly followed by how can anyone still want to vote for him after he spent almost a decade showing us what a truly awful person he is. Then something a poster here said gave me this epiphany: Because people like it - they like fascism, they like authoritarianism, they like someone lying to them constantly and making empty promises to them. They like being told there is nothing wrong with them, that it is all someone’s else’s fault. They like seeing violence done to people who are “other”.

There was a huge sector of voters, mean dumbasses, who were being terribly underserved until the meanest, dumbest asshole came along and said everything they longed to hear. I just have to accept this as holy writ.


“Indubinativally?” Is this a word? @ralph_vonholst help us out here.

Somebody has a copy of the tape. The question for me is, is that someone Mark Burnett?



Yes, the NY FBI, assisted by Giuliani, blackmailed Comey into several ethical mistakes: breaking the FBI conventions by announcing the ongoing Clinton investigation 10 days before an election, refusing to announce that a similar investigation against trump was ongoing, and then 3 days before the election, gratuitously announcing he was dropping Clinton’s investigation (thus reminding every anti-Clinton headline writer to gleefully rehash the whole non-issue).

After the Comey fiasco, Clinton dropped 3 points in the polls. I still believe there’s a direct cause and effect. Comey was the straw that broke the camel’s back, and deserves significant blame for what we have today.

It was a total travesty. He tried to plaster it all over with a book that constructed elaborate justifications for his ethical lapses. Phony. Faker. Liar.


More from the desk of Aileen Cannon and it is a puzzler. More delay and deeper into the twilight zone.

Sarah Lynch reports

Judge Cannon is giving Trump’s legal team and the government 12 days to tell her how the SCOTUS decision upholding the CFPB’s funding/appointment impacts Trump’s claim that Jack Smith was unlawfully appointed and funded…

ETA: Law school professor Anthony Michael Kreiss responds.

Judge Cannon is incompetently bad.


It means precisely what Justice Alito intends it to mean. Nothing more, nothing less.


Not that long ago, Sammy would have been deemed insufficiently white to be a judge at any level.


Embrace Your Power To Influence

Kerry Eleveld has some suggestions about how you can influence uncertain or disengaged voters within your sphere of influence and outside the realm of the Republican- wired media. Here’s a long excerpt:

So what messages should anti-Trump, pro-democracy voters transmit in their spheres of influence? It depends on who you’re talking to.

If you’re talking to Trump voters who condemn the Jan. 6 insurrection but don’t really want to vote for Biden, The Bulwark crew took a shot at how to engage these voters in a recent episode of Crooked Media’s “The Wilderness.”

Former Republican strategist Tim Miller suggested playing on the fear that Trump will never leave office, which many swing voters are already expressing.

“What do you think the chances are that Trump doesn’t leave office after four years?” Then wait for the answer, Miller advised, as a way to start the conversation. If they say 5%, well, that 5% is too much of a risk. After all, Trump already orchestrated a coup to stay in office the last time he lost an election.

Generally speaking, Republicans who are open to voting for Biden don’t believe he stole the 2020 election and were horrified by the violent insurrection attempt, so revisiting that concern is a worthwhile endeavor.

However, if you’re talking to voters who are primarily worried about the economy and inflation, it might be better to phrase the question as “who do you think will fight for you?” Democrats are the ones cracking down on price-gouging corporations by capping bank fees and insulin prices, while Trump is promising corporations another $2 trillion tax cut.

Younger voters might be the most difficult to reach of all the potential swing voters. As Dan Pfeiffer, former Obama senior adviser on strategy and communications, wrote on Substack Tuesday, TikTok is hurting Biden, especially among young people who are the platform’s primary users. Trump’s right-wing influencers are outgunning progressive firebrands such as Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on a platform that is featuring political news even as other social media platforms de-emphasize it.

Polling suggests that Trump might be making gains with younger voters, but loss of freedoms and abortion access remain a top priority for young Democrats. Linking Biden to Democratic priorities like expanding protections of abortion, the LGBTQ+ community, and voting rights as well as cracking down on gun violence could give him a boost among young voters…

Each of us has a duty as citizens to encourage these potential voters to vote for democracy, freedom, and the rule of law, lest we lose it all in one last, free election. Politics is not a spectator sport and, unfortunately, democracy is fragile both here and elsewhere around the world and must be fought for. We nearly lost it all in 2020/ 21. If we are resolute and persistent, we have a better chance of it not happening in 2024.

BONUS : Good read about what we’re up against.