Donald Trump Bear Hugs Sam Alito At Height Of Flag Flap


Martha-Anns are definitely the Delta variant of Karens.

— L O L G O P (@LOLGOP) May 29, 2024

Lie detector tests wouldn’t work–Trump fully believes the crap he spews, at least in the moment.


One might almost think that elections have consequences and aren’t just vanity projects where we express our individuality.

You really had me going there! /s


Filipkowski is correct and AI deep fakes is eroding confidence in audio/video evidence. Also, it’s not a matter of “belief”, You may or may not “believe” in the tooth fairy, it’s a matter of accepting or rejecting the various bits of evidence and drawing conclusions with a degree of confidence.


To quote Matt Berry from his hilarious 2013 series “Toast of London:”

He’s a Top Asshole.


Under that, Republicans want their base to die off. Their base is eager to comply - to own za libz.


For next year’s Memorial Day parade with the Alitos as Grand Marshalls.


“‘Donald Trump boasted about having sex with adult film star Stormy Daniels at the 2006 golf tournament where the two met,’ a celebrity athlete who played the tournament has said.”

Of course he did. He’s boasting about it to this day even as he denies it happened. Straight laced supporters can pretend to believe it didn’t happen while others admiringly envy him and support him all the more.


It bothers me so much when poll data is referenced. They are meaningless now, and nowadays pretty meaningless in total. Yet I still get wound up when I see them and have to consciously tell myself to ignore them, they mean nothing.

And yes, still so much can and will occur. For me, I’m hopeful that in the last month with the media blitz of just how horrible Orange Voldemort was as President, and is as a human being, enough voter stomachs will turn that he will end up soundly on the wrong side of the result. So much so that any claims of “stolen election” will be implausible.

That’s my hope.


The NRA wins again.


The WaPo story read that Mrs. Alito is quite the spicy lady and while her husband kept telling her to ‘get in the car’ she kept getting OUT of the car to yell at the WaPo reporter.

I can ‘read’ that as the reporter thinking she was having a ‘situation’ and that Alito was trying to contain it.

STILL should’ve reported that Justice Alito has a crazy-acting wife.

Their neighbors must be SO HAPPY to deal w/Justice Alito and his crazy-acting wife. I especially liked the bit about her spitting on the neighbors’ car. I am from Chicago and she is lucky nobody took a crowbar to her windshield. I gather at THAT point they called the coppers!


Totally agree with this.

A good Biden ad this fall would be having Trump’s voice saying he will pardon the “patriots” from 1/6/21. I would show the cops getting beaten and the doors being closed on them. This will be very powerful for independents to be reminded how cruel Trump is.


Better yet, Biden should agree to a drug test if Trump agrees to one - he’ll never pass.

Or better still, if he won’t do the debates, challenge him to an IQ test taken on live tv. This is one I’ve always wanted. He loves to brag about how smart he is, I don’t believe he would fare well. Challenge him to take the Wonderlic test on live broadcast, the one they (used to) give football players. He couldn’t resist the chance to show how much smarter he is than all those famous athletes. Until the results come back.


Ms AliTo lets her freak flag fly (literally).


I think he’s scared of his wife; this is not about WOMEN’S rights, this is about him waking up some random morning w/a pike thru his head.

Martha-Ann sounds like a Tiger WIFE.


I couldn’t agree more. Here in Philly, we don’t spit on cars unless we are ready to throw down.

I would suspect the Alito home is egged frequently at Halloween time?


My vision is hiring the best Trump voice impersonator you can get and reading the words from his “truths” on tv ads. He says such appalling things, to read them is one thing but to hear “him” saying it would be quite another. I can’t see a majority of voters supporting him if his true self is just laid in front of them, through his own “spoken” words.

Truth is, there is an almost endless list of ways the public can be reminded of just how awful he is, once the dog and pony show is over and we are in the home stretch. Just running back the tape on his first 4 years should really suffice. But there is so much more.


I disagree. DT would blow off any pre-debate requirement and Fox would lie non-stop about the results of Biden’s drug test. In fact, a test result that says anything other than Biden has the blood of a 23 year old will be endless fodder for NPR, etc.


The Orange Asshole (and draft dodger) aka Diaper Don of the Little Toadstool’s comments show what has been obvious to me for a long time: the SCOTUS has outlived its time, and should be ignored, or better yet, disbanded. It is impossible, with its current makeup, to see reasoned decisions being made that are not detrimental to our Republic.