Donald Trump Bear Hugs Sam Alito At Height Of Flag Flap


With zero irony and heaps of hypocrisy, Alito wrote, “She makes her own decisions, and I have always respected her right to do so.”

While he has control over every woman’s baby-making uterus, he does not have control over his wife’s flag-lowering arms. So he threw up his own. In the meantime, the signs of a troubled Alito marriage are mounting:

• She ignored his advice.

• She embarrassed him at work.

• Worst of all, they are on completely different pages when it comes to oblong pieces of cloth. “My wife is fond of flying flags,” Alito writes. “I am not.”

Reading between the lines of the letter reveals more marital tension. In both the letters, Alito refers to the woman he shares two homes with only as “my wife”—just like Borat.

Can their marriage survive this strain? Was his inability to say her name an upside-down red flag signaling that the Alitos are on the rocks?

Probably not given Alito’s interpretation of coupling. In his dissent in United States v Windsor —which paved the way for federal recognition of gay marriage—Alito describes two competing visions.

The first view is called “conjugal” and defines holy matrimony as “an intrinsically opposite-sex institution” based on “biological kinship.” This kind of marriage, Alito wrote, is “the solemnizing of a comprehensive, exclusive, permanent union that is intrinsically ordered to producing new life, even if it does not always do so.”

But there’s a newer less holy view of marriage that Alito calls, “consent-based marriage.” This type of union between two people is “marked by strong emotional attachment and sexual attraction.” This, Alito argues, is the definition that has allowed proponents of same-sex marriage “to argue that because gender differentiation is not relevant to this vision, the exclusion of same-sex couples from the institution of marriage is rank discrimination.”

Alito just doesn’t buy this new-fangled “consent-based” relationship and adds that although the Constitution does not codify either of these views of marriage, he suspects the Founding Fathers would have taken “the traditional view for granted.”

As an originalist, Alito must accept this view, too. He and his wife share a biological kinship—two grown children—as well as a vacation home. Although as Alito quickly points out, that vacation home was purchased with money that his wife inherited from her parents and the title is in her name—so don’t even think about pinning that Christian nationalist flag on him. (Perhaps he didn’t notice it because justice is blind and he simply never looked out the window.)


Trump has given us a lot of material for ads. I would stay away form impersonator’s with the AI stuff going on. I would stick with all the nutty things Trump has said at his rallies. I would leave it the experts how best to target the independents in the swing states this fall.


"an irony so excruciating coming from the justice who authored the Dobbs decision that it’s hard not to view it as a deliberate troll of his critics"

Oh, he is trolling us all right - it is Dunning-Kruger trolling as he does not understand irony and he is too dumb to realize how unbelievably idiotic his response is. He acts like he is giving all of us lesser mortals a lesson in basic rights while also making a joke about the power his wife wields.

He is a complete troll at this point and has so much FOX brain rot going on that he always sounds like a butt hurt little bitch instead of a Supreme Court Justice. He thinks we cannot actually see or understand him because he is floating so far above the rest of us.

What an asshole.


I think we should step back and appreciate that a Supreme Court Justice flew an American flag upside down at his house. When you think about it, that is really f’d up. Shouldn’t a SC Justice be, like, the most patriotic person in the country? Personally, I’ve never seen an American flag flown upside down anywhere and if I did I would assume the person who did that was a freak.


We need to see the entire Democratic congressional caucus rise up and not only insist but take steps to force Alito to recuse. Jamie Raskin has some excellent ideas.


Alito continued, “Women, huh? What are ya gonna do? I mean, besides take away their rights, of course.”


And you would be right. Sammy and Martha-Anne are freaks.


Thanks for saying it so I didn’t have to, @frustum!! That phrase is like fingernails on a chalkboard to me (does anyone younger than, I dunno, 40(?) even understand that reference? :thinking: :man_shrugging: ).

…in a letter to DemocratIC senators [,] engaged in a paucity of real legal analysis…

I also had to read that sentence a few times to realize that it was Injustice Alito–and NOT the Democratic Senators–who had engaged in a paucity of real legal analysis.

Anyway, I know I don’t contribute enough around here to demand better from David’s terrific work, but I would respectfully make these suggestions. :nerd_face: :pray:

(While this old man is yelling at clouds, I might as well vent that I fucking HATE the word “normalcy”–there’s already a perfectly good word in (American) English, “normality”, not to mention that “normalcy” was a malapropism from (of course) a Republican’t, President Warren G. Harding, who gave us the Teapot Dome scandal before dying in office. Now, I feel better…oh, wait, are those kids on my lawn…? :wink: )


Does Mark Burnett still have control of all the ‘behind-the-scenes’ film?

Ron Filipowski above stated that w/o the actual words coming out of his mouth (and even then Trump’s CULT probably would think it was fake) Mr. Pruitt’s words won’t be credited.

AND I am ‘so’ ticked that Kelly has not gone on a national tour to express how ‘damaged’ Trump is.


Trollalito. h//t Leah Litman


I am pretty sure he thinks he can beat a lie detector by yelling at it. When your baseline is constant lying at top volume, there is no variation to be detected.


Beat me to it. That sentence is exquisite. Bravo, Ms. Hesse.


My preferred occurrence would be for the Lord to call Trump home to Make Heaven Great Again…


If he can’t cheat it he won’t do it. One of the reasons he loves golf so much is because it is dependent upon people being absolutely honest whether they are in sight of their competitors or not. It is people like this that Trump calls suckers. He cannot imagine not cheating if you have the chance.


Here’s the practice Wonderlic test if anyone is interested. Good luck on von ShitzInPants passing it.


What? From the family values party??? I’m gob smacked.


I prefer Trump losing in November and going on trial for his federal cases next year.


Well, he is Cardinal Alito in his own mind. Aiming for Pope Sam.


Rep Raskin should share whatever he is smoking, what he is proposing is, like many things is the US Constitution that relies on people having decency, and a sense of fairness and the common good, virtues that are completely absent from the “Make America Great Again” crowd.


WSJ: “Donald Trump and Elon Musk have discussed a possible advisory role for the Tesla leader should the presumptive Republican nominee reclaim the White House, the latest sign that the once-frosty relationship between the two men has thawed.”
