Don’t Be Lulled Into Thinking Trump II Will Just Be A Repeat Of Trump I

The full image is even worse, everyone is smiling including the parents. Hopefully this photo gets thrown back to their faces when the sue UGA for pain and suffering.



The RNC is now total trump only cult meaning candidates down the ballot had best look for support elsewhere.
And Speaker Johnson wants a DoJ funding bloodletting. Esp. for the trump hated FBI and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco& Firearms

The goobers are on the path of absolute power. trump II will not resemble trump I
Your vote is very important.


Jon Stewart has still got it!! That Britt parody at the end … priceless!


Left it in Malaria’s bedroom?


And here is Eric Swalwell’s questioning, Maude forfend Hur say he won’t accept a post in a prospective tRump Administration:
a tRump gaffe supercut begins c. 4:20:


Heather Cox Richardson had a good summation of the Hur appearance.

But while Republicans clearly designed their plans for this Congress’s investigations to seed smears of Democrats in the public mind, Democrats have come to hearings exceedingly well prepared to turn the tables back on the Republicans. That strategy was obvious today as it quickly became clear in the hearing that it was not Biden who was on the hot seat.

Hours before the hearing was about to begin, the Department of Justice released a transcript of Biden’s interviews, held in the two days after Hamas attacked Israel as he rushed to respond to that crisis. The transcripts belied Hur’s portrayal of Biden’s answers; among other things, he clearly knew the exact date Beau died.

The transcript also revealed a pointed contrast between Trump and Biden, with the president telling investigators he didn’t “own a stock or a bond that I’m aware of…. I never wanted to have any argument…. The thing I valued most my whole life, my reputation and integrity. So I never wanted to have anything that someone said, you bought that stock and it went up because you traded. Never did that.”

Democrats came to the hearing prepared to turn it into a hearing on Trump. Representative Adam Schiff (D-CA) called out Hur for unprofessional behavior in disparaging the president after finding the matter should be dismissed. Representative Eric Swalwell (D-CA) suggested Hur was angling for an appointment in a second Trump administration and asked him to demonstrate his credibility by pledging that he would not accept such an appointment. Hur declined to do so.

The hearing was covered live on various television channels, and the Democrats used that media time to show videos of Trump slurring his words, forgetting names, and speaking in word salad, getting their own sound bites to voters. They got Hur to spell out the clear contrast between Trump’s theft of documents and Biden’s cooperation with the government.

Conservative lawyer George Conway wrote on social media: “I think Biden’s State of the Union address last week and Hur’s immolation today will go down in political history as Reagan’s ‘I am not going to exploit…my opponent’s youth and inexperience’ moment…only on steroids.” Conway was referring to Reagan’s response in a 1984 presidential debate to a question about his own age; Reagan’s opponent, Walter Mondale, later said he knew Reagan’s answer was the moment he had lost not only the debate but probably the election.


I believe that was David Dennison.


She can’t Handel it.

In the pungent words of AP reporter Nick Riccardi, this seems like a “baroque effort” by Buck to stymy Boebert.


In the pungent words of AP reporter Nick Riccardi, this seems like a “baroque effort” by Buck to stymy Boebert.

Baroque is my favorite kind of art!

(And politics, too, apparently.)


Well some of us know how to deal with a rampaging kitty.


She just put the ball in SHS’s court.


that has given Trump judges in far-flung small divisions massive power

Remember when the Republican Party was against “activist judges”?

They lied.

Vote for Democratic activists. It’s okay now.


The New Orleans Police Department is battling a formidable enemy that has infiltrated its headquarters: an army of rats that has begun feasting on drugs stored in the evidence room. That’s according to NOPD Superintendent Anne Kirkpatrick, who told the City Council’s Criminal Justice Committee on Monday that the police department needs to relocate its facilities to a downtown high rise to escape the unbearable conditions. “The rats are eating our marijuana. They’re all high,” Kirkpatrick was quoted as saying by local media. In addition to their drug binge, she said the rats have left feces on desks, and cockroaches have moved in. “The uncleanliness is off the charts,” she said. Her disturbing testimony about conditions in the 1968 building came after the department spent years lobbying for a new location for its headquarters. On Monday, the City Council approved a motion to authorize a pending 10-year lease agreement that would see the department moved to the upper two floors of 1615 Poydras Tower in the center of the city.


You’ve gone Bach to puns, I see.


Joker Cat!


And it also includes one of the most creative mea culpas I’ve ever seen.


My fear is that the other half, the one that is going to be in the receiving end of Trump wrath, is not doing enough to prevent that outcome. Trying to be nice and understanding. One of the few things that would give me schadenfreude is going to be all those both-siding journalists getting censored, harassed and jailed during Trump’s dictatorship.


2/3rds of eligible voters cast a ballot in 2020. If we extrapolate the number of deplorables that stayed home the more likely number is 100 million people required of The Rapture to restore sanity and civility to the nation. Either that or some sort of highly lethal plague that targets only MAGA denizens. It’s a cult. Reformation is not an option, they’re in too deep. Permanently lost. Irretrievable.


Please stop putting a picture of that horse’s ass on the heading of the morning briefing every day. The leads are depressing enough.


Go ahead.
Keep harpsichording on it.